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March 9-11, 2024 | Winter Storm Speculation


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Rain that far north? Unbelievable. And a lot of it apparently. 
if it makes you feel any better ( it won’t), southern end of this puker was around 1.5 inches here, and now heavy drizzle and windy, followed by colder , snow shower, and 40-50 gusts. Oh yea, on top of saturated ground. Saturated branches. What could possibly go wrong. This storm can let the door hit it in the arss whenever it wants.

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It is just above freezing and we have some really chunky snow. The Radarscope precip depiction doesn't really know what's going on and thinks it's raining.




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Left work last night with about 2" on the ground there and coming down hard. Unfortunately as it has happened time and again this year, downsloping off the Green Mountains means the Taconic mountains where I live get shafted. Was a mix of rain/sleet/snow when I got home despite being higher elevation than the restaurant.

I got about 3" of wet, white paste here. Had some downed trees on wires calls this morning. 🤮 But sound like the Green Mountains scored with about 10-15" of snow so far for the ski areas...which is well needed as one local mountain had ski patrol out shoveling patches on Friday to try get skiers to not have to walk to get to the top of runs.

Currently 36F out there with some flurries still flying.


Puppy seems to think every step I take in the snow, I'm uncovering something for her to find....



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The weather turned out almost exactly as expected: hardly any rain after midnight and very little snow.  It is a good thing that itis no longer near where I live: missed snowstorms and a whole lot of rain this winter— and five eighths of their snow to date was in January.

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That 0.25" of snow managed to weather the 1.13" of rain received with this system.  The predicted winds really never happened here with 20mph gusts recorded.

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Rain had stopped hours ago but it was still cloudy. Then sun came out about an hour ago. I'm facing the window. Suddenly, movement catches my eye. It's snow! Large flakes, difficult to assess density, as winds are whipping it around, sun is out casting shadows. 43 degrees. So if I remember my basic meteorology, there must be a cold layer aloft. Of course it's melting on the ground but not even making the driveway wet. Where is this? 12 miles NNW of center city Philadelphia.


Edited by Jim
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We just got back from spending the weekend in Montreal.  They received 4" of concrete like snow overnight and was lightly snowing when we left this afternoon.  We drove through rain showers and snow showers and even heavy snow at one point on the drive home.  From local reports, it seems we only received an inch of snow last night but I you can tell roads around here were plowed due to the piles of snow on the shoulders.  

Mad River and Bolton Valley both reporting 12" of dense snow so far and it is still supposed to continue overnight with much fluffier snow falling.  Bolton thinks there could be another foot by morning.

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I got the call early this morning that my youngest son was getting an unexpected snow day.  BTV had taken out chances for accumulating snows more than an inch for us.  We have 3" here but some of the places to our east in the Green Mountain foothills probably got a lot more snow last night.  I also figure they have a few unused snow days built into the school calendar because I think this is only the second snow day of the year, with the last being on December 11.

Bolton is reporting 20" of snow from this storm which bring their total to 250" for the year.  They got quite a bit of snow in November and early December which pumped up their numbers early.

Edited by TheRex
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At 2:15 pm we still have light snow falling and the temp is at 31.  Clouds are thick so there has been very little melting from sunlight.  It is nice seeing the outdoors look like winter again.

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BTV's most recent Forecast Discussion.  Mountains in my area should continue to see accumulating snow into the evening.

We are in the 4th quarter of this long duration winter storm.
Today`s focus will be continued upslope snow with additional
snowfall likely across northern NY and central/northern VT. We
may have difficulties finding the off switch acrs the northern
Greens into the evening hours. Second concern wl be gusty
west/northwest winds, especially late this morning into early
aftn and again early this evening, associated with good mixing
and core of 850mb winds of 45 to 60 knots. Strongest winds will
be on the downslope areas of the eastern Dacks and eastern
facing slopes of the Greens with gusts 40 to 50 mph expected.
Already seeing Brookfield AOT site gusting to near 40 mph. Areas
of blowing snow and low vis wl make for challenging travel thru
this morning. Conditions should slowly improve this aftn as
moisture decreases from west to east, but winds stay brisk. Only
change was to drop SLV from Wx Winter Advisory with this


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Driving up I 684 was like taking a boat through cross currents.  Bouncing around all over the place. 

Some of the gusts so far.  Quite a bit in the 50s.


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