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February 12-13, 2024 | Winter Storm


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1 minute ago, Phillyfan said:

1am steady rain down to 40 degrees. Will see what it looks like in the morning.

HRRR says look out in the morning. That’s some heavy returns. 


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35, and we have over run the Germans. It’s mostly snow; big orgasmic flakes. Ya just knew that “ that” big ole band 1 was gonna break through the Sherman tank line. Troops are exhausted from the 100 mile walk through the cold and snows to Bastogne, but sleep is just not an option right now. “Nuts” to sleep, if ya git my drift.

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6 minutes ago, RTC3-LAST CHANCE said:

35, and we have over run the Germans. It’s mostly snow; big orgasmic flakes. Ya just knew that “ that” big ole band 1 was gonna break through the Sherman tank line. Troops are exhausted from the 100 mile walk through the cold and snows to Bastogne, but sleep is just not an option right now. “Nuts” to sleep, if ya git my drift.

I’m drifting away captain. The trek wore me out. Catching a few hours. Then will take over post. 

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Temp now 35. One of our top tank commanders, RickRd, just ran outta gas. He was a trooper, and fought hard.  I feel like i am summoned to a greater destiny; to carry an entire forum singlehandedly . I shall accept. Will try to trudge on till General UT mans the early shift. Its modern warfare so perhaps i will ping his ass and the phone will wake him up. 
You guys rest, and sleep tight knowing i got this 👀👀

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Just now, so_whats_happening said:

Looks like allentown has officially gone over to all snow. Can't say I have seen too many times where the changeover has gone from N even NE to SW in time.

This one is unique. Sleet at 39! . Ratios now overcoming temps. Ground, and even roads now covered. At 34!

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  • Meteorologist

The changeover around Reading and just NW of philly is right around the corner. SPC meso just updated and 925 and 850s are just on the border of 0 around those areas.

I may just be able to sneak home before the rates go bonkers. Best lift should start to move in the area in the next 2 hours currently over Central and western VA.

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