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February 12-13, 2024 | Winter Storm


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I think the Euro is going to be dead on here. 4.5” or so. We’ve got at least 3” at this point. It honestly may have been more but it’s extremely compacted at this point. Very happy with this. Wasn’t expecting anything two days ago. 

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Congrats to those of you who lucked out with this one.

Most models had been projecting at least a few flakes for our area, but apparently it was just a little too warm. From a distance through the mist, the mountains look white, so it appears they got some, but there was nary a flake here in the valley. Didn't really surprise me, as temps never crash fast enough here with a low track like that. The moisture always runs out first.

The creeks and rivers are running well. Maybe I should see if I have more inches of mud than some of y'all have snow. :classic_biggrin:

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Just now, Tater said:

Congrats to those of you who lucked out with this one.

Most models had been projecting at least a few flakes for our area, but apparently it was just a little too warm. From a distance through the mist, the mountains look white, so it appears they got some, but there was nary a flake here in the valley. Didn't really surprise me, as temps never crash fast enough here with a low track like that. The moisture always runs out first.

The creeks and rivers are running well. Maybe I should see if I have more inches of mud than some of y'all have snow. :classic_biggrin:

Build a mudman

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Good morning from 12 miles NNW of center city Philadelphia. Woke up when the phone rang at 5:50 to tell me of a closing. It was raining, temperature 35, driveway wet (I went out to get the paper). Tried to go back to sleep. Another phone call telling me of another closing. Went back to sleep. Woke up two hours later to see 2 inches of heavy wet snow on the street, and the driveway. Temperature? 34. So the surfaces must be colder than I would have guessed. The part of the driveway that gets a lot of sun had between a very thin coating and an inch or so. The part of the driveway that never gets the sun had 2 inches of snow. Went out, cleared the driveway, for the first 20 minutes there were very light flurries. Then the snow started up again with big flakes rather sparse. Now, it is snowing moderately and putting a coating on what was cleared. Temperature still above freezing (the gauge is six feet above the ground). The snow must be cold enough to overcome whatever residual warmth was left in the asphalt from over the weekend.

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Just now, StretchCT said:


Power went out here at work. Back on though. I think there will be more. Wind picking up. Snow over by noon I would think. We will have over a foot by then.

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