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Jan. 19-20th, 2024 | Winter Storm Speculation


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13 minutes ago, Chris2333 said:

That’s a dark grill for some paletitsnow… okay it’s out of my system…

Got one more. Mildly NSFW. Feel free to use as your avatar if you want paletitsnow




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27 minutes ago, Paletitsnow63 said:

I do grill during the winter but not this week.  I used to keep my grill just off the old deck so it was pretty quick to get to it from the deck door.  But with the new Trex deck my wife didn't want the grill on or near the deck so I have to walk about 20 more feet to get to it.  I agree with her.  Trex isn't cheap.  Didn't want grease and grime from the grill getting on the deck.  You can see the grill in this picture behind the deck bench near the outside basement door.


Takes pride in his property. Keeps grill from ruining nice deck (mine is big, not nice and the critters clean it up) and covers his grill!

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Apologies for being OT, but what is the best radar client everyone is using? I have radar scope on my phone, but I don't think I have the settings tweaked right because I'm not seeing what you are mostly posting. Just accuweather on your computer? 

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Mine is intellecast which is part of weather underground. 


2 minutes ago, c8pjp said:

Apologies for being OT, but what is the best radar client everyone is using? I have radar scope on my phone, but I don't think I have the settings tweaked right because I'm not seeing what you are mostly posting. Just accuweather on your computer? 


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4 minutes ago, c8pjp said:

Apologies for being OT, but what is the best radar client everyone is using? I have radar scope on my phone, but I don't think I have the settings tweaked right because I'm not seeing what you are mostly posting. Just accuweather on your computer? 

Honestly I like the NWS product after trying each kind. It's all about what you want though. 

Just now, Gettysburger said:

Snowing heavily in Gettysburg area atm. Radar seems to fill in even with the hole below us. 

If I see a surprise in the offing - it may be here (btwn in g'burg and me in Hburg), where I didn't think we'd exceed 4 but now am not sure about that. 

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7 minutes ago, StretchCT said:

Takes pride in his property. Keeps grill from ruining nice deck (mine is big, not nice and the critters clean it up) and covers his grill!

But still within 10 feet of structure... 😉

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7 minutes ago, c8pjp said:

Apologies for being OT, but what is the best radar client everyone is using? I have radar scope on my phone, but I don't think I have the settings tweaked right because I'm not seeing what you are mostly posting. Just accuweather on your computer? 

If you know how to use the software (ie tilt etc), Radar Scope is pretty good. 

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11 minutes ago, The Amish Weatherman said:

Snow has picked up here in the last 15 minutes. Gone from light to moderate to almost heavy. Pushing 2" here in Kinzers PA.

Just up the road from you in Gap. Nice moderate snow falling, about 1.5” here. 

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8 hours ago, Rickrd said:

Yes. I agree. Personally and sure a lot of you have been in those situations seeing trucks off side of road, cars,etc. can really block things up. Causing more chaos and safety concerns. Adding the aspect that everyone on roads are in a hurry and speeds in snow seem like you’re crawling and being human, everyone try’s to push it a little faster. 
So once I pondered it, it’s a system to benefit. The trick always is balance and who pushes that button. Up this way, Northampton county, a 2” snowstorm wouldn’t warrant it imo. With that amount, highways and interstates will be wet at most with the assets that will be thrown at it. Subjective as you said to area wide events. 

A lot of incidents can be avoided if all drivers of all vehicle types drove for the weather conditions rather than jerking around, in a hurry, want to see how their vehicle handles in snow at 90.

Problem is the larger the vehicle, the longer it takes to stop.  I have seen youtube videos of cars and trucks going 55+ on highways in snow and slam into a pile up.  In snowy conditions, removing 1 or 2 cars or trucks from blocking the road will take some time, but will be short in comparison to a 20 vehicle pile up.

If people would only use common sense, logic and reasoning.

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3 minutes ago, mikeysed said:

Beautiful virga to begin this 1-2" State of Emergency

Scurphy Murphy strikes again!!! What a waste of taxpayer money, every time it snows there is a state of emergency because he severely botched one 6" snow storm 5 years ago! 🙄

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15 minutes ago, Uscg Ast said:

The way this HP is building/built in, there is going to be quite the cutoff. Cold air sinks, creating subsidence. In other words, the cold air falls to the ground, which kills the lift. Without the lift, you cannot generate precip. 

Conversely, those just to the East and Southeast have a mechanism for creating a ton of lift. The atmosphere is always looking to balance itself out. So just to the East of this subsidence is an area of increased lift. This allows for some heavier rates to develop. 

This is why CNJ may see a good hit of able while LI and NYC are smoking whisps. 


So what you're saying is, it's too cold to snow east of NJ? FFS! Last time it rained. This time there's too much cold air. Apparently snow is impossible. The cake is a lie. Ok, I'm done rambling.

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12 miles nnw of center city Philadelphia. Don't know when the snow started; I was sleeping. 🙂 But there was about an inch when I went out about 45 minutes ago. Snow is steady, light to moderate, small flakes. During the 35 minutes I was out there, the areas I had cleared picked up perhaps 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch. Not much wind.

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Just spent a few minutes wondering where all the snow was.  Not much showing on radars.



Realized I had it on tilt 4 (was looking for virga yesterday)

Tilt one is more impressive


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1 hour ago, c8pjp said:

Look, I don't need a foot of snow like some of you. It's snowing at a decent rate here and that will be plenty for some more sledding today and still be able to do weekend kids sports stuff. Best of both worlds. 

Yup wrapping up work early and going to have some fun this afternoon in the neighborhood! Good plan. 

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