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Jan. 19-20th, 2024 | Winter Storm Speculation


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13 minutes ago, RTC3-LAST CHANCE said:

Is it ok that i am ok with these type of events right now?

Yes. It’s pregame. February looking like a back breaker wishing for spring. At the end of May!

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14 minutes ago, RTC3-LAST CHANCE said:

Is it ok that i am ok with these type of events right now?

Sure better than nothing. I had enough of that  for the last 2 years. 

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18 minutes ago, RTC3-LAST CHANCE said:

Is it ok that i am ok with these type of events right now?

Maybe? Everyone loves the big one, but I enjoy snow and cold in general, as much cold and white is the hope in JFM for me.

Edited by TLChip
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1 hour ago, Wtkidz said:

You can throw darts at this if you like. 

AccuWeather prediction. I am sure it will change  ]but they will claim how accurate they were.




Bernie feels like the heavy bands will be  Philly/South Jersey down to the DC/Baltimore Dover/Salisbury over through just east of Pittsburgh. They're obviously feeling strong in their modeling we've been bumped from 1-3 to 3-6 to 4-8 in the past 24hrs. Hoping for some more to top the 6 inches from last storm which is still fresh. Hoping this takes us to a over a foot. We had 2 inches Dec 11 and nothing the else until this past event.


Edited by eddygeeme
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5 minutes ago, eddygeeme said:

Bernie feels like the heavy bands will be  Philly/South Jersey down to the DC/Baltimore Dover/Salisbury over through just east if Pittsburgh. They're obviously feeling strong in their modeling we've been bumped from 1-3 to 3-6 to 4-8 in the past 24hrs. Hoping for some more to top the 6 inches from last storm which is still fresh. Hoping this takes us to over a foot. We had 2 inches Dec 11 and nothing the else until this past event.


And now that the energy is more north, what does Bernie say? Seems like he’s hugging the Euro. 

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35 minutes ago, RTC3-LAST CHANCE said:

Is it ok that i am ok with these type of events right now?

as long as you're alright with me wishing for nighttime snowstorms....

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1 hour ago, RTC3-LAST CHANCE said:

Is it ok that i am ok with these type of events right now?

Well the responses were mostly positive 😀. Just ss you get older sometimes, the aftermath of a big one is what sucks, especially if doesn’t warm up after, or if it isn’t later in winter when it melts quicker. The event itself is still awesome, but after a few days not so much. And we didn’t do well at all round these parts with cleanup with yesterdays. Funding or whatever, but ugh with secondary roads, parking lots. I just left a drugstore and the lot was snow covered snd icy. Good thing no old people go to drugstores. Oh wait , they do.

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1 hour ago, JDClapper said:

Chance of 1+ and 4+ trend




Dude. Those images are throwing me into Photosensitive epilepsy

Edited by Rickrd
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5 minutes ago, NEPAsnow said:


As far as the snow axis goes, seems like it stayed the same.  I think the "rising" mean numbers are mostly because more members are agreeing with the path, so there's less low numbers in the axis and less higher numbers on the edges.

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SREF seems too far north to me. I would think SEPA is the region that gets hit with the most fluff and allentown to baltimore are near the edge.

I should say edge of the heavier totals

Edited by so_whats_happening
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