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January 6-7, 2024 | NE / Mid-Atlantic Winter Storm

Penn State

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Just now, MaineJay said:

Low level moisture and conservation nuclei, in the form of salt particles, beginning to get drawn west off the Gulf stream. 


I was thinking about this

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  • The title was changed to January 6-7, 2024 | NE / Mid-Atlantic Winter Storm Potential
1 minute ago, Poco said:

I would like to apologize for being a meanie and telling people to stop worrying about every little thing.  Although I don’t think it’s a good idea to worry about every little wrinkle in the forecast, you reserve the sole right to worry until you develop an ulcer if you’d like.   I will be more mindful in the future. The last thing I’d ever want to do is take the excitement of storm away from someone, if your weather kink is tiny little wrinkles in the forecast than you might be having the week of your life.  Peace and love, peace and love 

Poc, you are solid gold , always were. 

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2 hours ago, TheComet said:

Man move up here. You can do your job from anywhere in PA 🙂 If I were you I would have moved to a more snow friendly area already. My wife hates snow and my daughter is 11 y/o and doesn't want to have to make new friends, so for me moving is not an option. Otherwise I would have made the move to a hill in northern New England somewhere like Vermont or Maine. My job is 100% remote so I can work anywhere in the world as long as I have fast WiFi. Though I'm not sure if your family situation would afford such a move.

Yeah the usual hold back is the kids and their friends.  No one wants to start over and make new friends once they are past the 5-7 year old age it becomes difficult.

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7 minutes ago, ionizer said:

Yeah the usual hold back is the kids and their friends.  No one wants to start over and make new friends once they are past the 5-7 year old age it becomes difficult.

I told my sons if we moved from NJ to VT, they could get a dog.  Two weeks after we moved, they got their dog.

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1 minute ago, TheRex said:

I told my sons if we moved from NJ to VT, they could get a dog.  Two weeks after we moved, they got their dog.

Congratulations on your escape from NJ!!!  One day I hope to do the same.

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31 minutes ago, Poco said:

I would like to apologize for being a meanie and telling people to stop worrying about every little thing.  Although I don’t think it’s a good idea to worry about every little wrinkle in the forecast, you reserve the sole right to worry until you develop an ulcer if you’d like.   I will be more mindful in the future. The last thing I’d ever want to do is take the excitement of storm away from someone, if your weather kink is tiny little wrinkles in the forecast than you might be having the week of your life.  Peace and love, peace and love 

Hmm if you are basing it off your most recent post then you have no reason to apologize as you are 100% correct lol. I'm always fascinated at around this stage of tracking these storms... the small details and uncertainties of an incoming storm makes it intriguing. Whatever happens happens, I just like to learn why things are happening. As invested as I've been reading this thread, I'm just here to be a weather weenie and learn from those along the way and enjoy the nowcasting contributions that you all are so great at providing.

Edited by Blizz
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