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January 6-7, 2024 | NE / Mid-Atlantic Winter Storm

Penn State

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Just now, Penn State said:

It’s about to get real folks.. If this band gets us, I’ll take a video. IMG_0702.thumb.jpeg.74fb0c980d0dc41ca9d43d0d08db4d47.jpeg

That’s what’s hitting Williamsport MD right now Penn. heading your way real soon in C-burg area

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Just now, JDClapper said:

What are you up to?

Last check I was around 4.5”.. and that was more than an hour ago. We might be 5.5”-6”. If this band is good.. we might get 8”. 

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2 minutes ago, CandO100 said:

That’s what’s hitting Williamsport MD right now Penn. heading your way real soon in C-burg area

Is it a good one? It looks great on radar. 

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Just now, Penn State said:

Is it a good one? It looks great on radar. 

Looks like some backfill around Harrisonburg, VA too.. 

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The changeover from snow to sleet has begun in Princeton Junction.  A solid start coating the grass and sidewalks before the inevitable.  At least I didn’t have to get the snowblower out!

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Just in case anyone is interested, here’s the total accumulations from the 18z hi-res NAM.  

(Apologies if this was already posted)



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Looking at skews on the nam3k to see what's going to happen when the bulk moves out. It's a matter of really small differences. Skews look at all the levels of the atmosphere, all the way u[ on this one to 100mb. 

First one is at 12z/7am.  Three highlights.  First the DGZ aka Dendritic Growth Zone which is in the purple circle.  It's the layer of the atmosphere where the best snow forms.  Between those two lines, about 13k to 15k feet up.  

Next is the blue rectangle on the left - this is omega/lift.  When lift is positive its red, negative is blue.  Sinking air dries.  Rising air cools and condenses.  You want the strongest omega in your DGZ

Lastly, the blue line which I discontinued.  That's the 0c temperature .  Don't ask why it's on an angle.  Go to HabyHints for that. 

The red line is temp, green line is wet bulb (think dew point).  When the green line is near the red line, the air is saturated, and if below 0c it's snow.

Looking at the skew below, it's a small DGZ.  The omega in that area is negative, not good.  From 800mb and above, the green line diverges from the red (meaning its dry), and right before it diverges, you see it poke just over the blue line, which means precip (if any) melts. Now it goes under 0c later, so perhaps sleet. But at the surface the temp is 33, and it's probably drizzle since the omega is neg in the DGZ.



2 hrs later the temp profile (green line) is now below 0c all the way, but there's still a large temp/wet bulb separation at 700mb to 600mb. So it's either dry or snizzle/low level moisture.


Next hour things change.  Green and red lines are much closer together in the 700-600mb layer down.  There's positive omega in the DGZ and the temp profile is all below 0c.  So it turns back to snow. 



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