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January 6-7, 2024 | NE / Mid-Atlantic Winter Storm

Penn State

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1 hour ago, Tater said:

We've been getting a few lazy flakes drifting down for the past few hours. I've heard it said repeatedly that snow breeds snow, so I'm expecting that to pay off this weekend.

Snow breeds snow. Been coating city here the last few days. 


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Looking at the differences in 12z GFS top/Euro bottom.  Noticing:

1. the confluence area over Canada is breaking down and ridging on the Euro

2. The area over the northern plains ridge v trough (trough would allow the system to popup more)

3. Timing obviously. Euro is faster.  Not sure if that's what causes 1 and 2. 



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25 minutes ago, Rickrd said:

Couple things go for us. 
1. the storm track pattern the past month has been steady with fair amount of precip (1”+ for most on this thread). 
2. -NAO is not a monster and shouldn’t cause suppression. 

Don’t need a -nao to shunt it ots.  Confluence is Legit 

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35 minutes ago, Chris2333 said:

Meanwhile I’m doing the rain/snow line scenario just east of Philly…. Not like it’s happened before


Try living in central Virginia  just east of 95

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12z EPS cone of uncertainly.  Tightened up a little until it gets to about the southern tip of the Delmarva, then they diverge a bit.  Still, a more western lean to the clustering, like 0z had.


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Just now, JDClapper said:

Think 18z GFS is gonna not be as crap show as 12z was.. 

I agree.. At least the southern part of PA re-enters the mix. Makes we want to believe the 12z was the southernmost solution 🤞

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2 minutes ago, Penn State said:

Acceptable.. for me.. sharp cutoff. Darn confluence. IMG_0631.thumb.png.2ac48cf12b0c9973ee8bcddfdfbef64e.png

way better .. farther north gets a little love after that time stamp.  I ain't sad.

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Just now, PA road DAWG said:

Longggg way to go yet folks.  But I will say, I’ve been down this road before lol.  2009-2010 winter and 2016.  But anyways…look at these sick analogs.  



please don't bring up 2010.  

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