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Cat 5 Lee | peak 165 mph 926 mb | post-tropical


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9 minutes ago, Burr said:

Getting mind-numbing seeing those numbers with this IR satellite presentation 


Lee: fuck your erc

This is going to keep strengthening for a bit. Hope they are sending another plane out there soon. 

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13 minutes ago, 1816 said:

Lee: fuck your erc

This is going to keep strengthening for a bit. Hope they are sending another plane out there soon. 

The 11pm discussion described favorable conditions for strengthening through around noon tomorrow, at which time they were expecting peak winds that were just measured by the recon flight that just went through.  

So, yeah.  would be nice if we could have more recon in there later this morning to see if Lee does approach Allen territory on the wind speed.


on that note, it’s way past my bedtime.  💤

Edited by Burr
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15 minutes ago, ak9971 said:

Appears the eye clouded over as well, at least on the visible satellite. Also might have not had enough coffee yet lol


I think the eye is just tightening up more and the intense convection is spilling a little high clouds over the eye 



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18 minutes ago, ak9971 said:

Wonder what was up with the sudden change in structure the last few frames. Went from perfect eye to contracting and losing some of that symmetry around the eye. 

I think we may be seeing the impacts of southwesterly shear mentioned in last night’s discussion.


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16 minutes ago, MaineJay said:

These microwave shots are gorgeous.  No ERC in the near future.


IT seems pinched off on the west/northwest side and the eye clouded over.  Ruling out ERC, is there shear?  




Even ARCHER is messed up - blue being the forecast, red being where ARCHER puts the center. 


Ahhh, yes it is.  25kts from the SW. 

                  HURRICANE 13L    6:00UTC    08September2023
     UW-CIMSS Experimental Vertical Shear and TC Intensity Trend Estimates

         Current Conditions (from NHC) :
                     Latitude                       :   17:40:55 N
                     Longitude                      :   53:09:54 W
                     Intensity (MSLP)               :  916.0 hPa

                     Max Pot Int (MPI,from Emanuel) :  890.0 hPa
                     MPI differential (MSLP-MPI)    :   26.0 hPa

                     CIMSS Vertical Shear Magnitude :   13.3 m/s (25.8 kts)
                                          Direction :  215.6 deg

         Outlook for TC Intensification Based on Current
           Env. Shear Values and MPI Differential
         Forecast Interval :    6hr   12hr   18hr   24hr
                                 U      U      U      U

         Legend :        VF-Very Favorable   F-Favorable   N-Neutral
                          U-Unfavorable     VU-Very Unfavorable

         --  Mean Intensity Trend (negative indicates TC deepening) --
                  6hr           12hr           18hr           24hr
         VF  <-3.0mb/ 6hr   <-6.0mb/12hr   <-9.0mb/18hr   <-12.0mb/24hr
          F   -3.0 - -1.0    -6.0 - -2.0    -9.0 - -3.0    -12.0 - -4.0
          N   -1.0 - +1.0    -2.0 - +2.0    -3.0 - +3.0     -4.0 - +4.0
          U   +1.0 - +3.0    +2.0 - +6.0    +3.0 - +9.0     +4.0 -+12.0
         VU      >+3.0          >+6.0          >+9.0          >+12.0


Edited by StretchCT
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  • The title was changed to Cat 5 Lee | 165 mph 926 mb | closed its eye, sleepwalking?

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