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June 5th-September 1st, 2023 | Severe Storm Sequence


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New day 1 still enhanced.

   Day 1 Convective Outlook  
   NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
   0100 AM CDT Sat Jun 17 2023

   Valid 171200Z - 181200Z


   Severe thunderstorms associated with damaging wind gusts and large
   hail are expected to develop this afternoon and evening across the
   southern and central Plains. Wind gusts above 70 knots and
   hailstones greater than 2 inches in diameter will be possible. The
   severe threat could reach the Ark-La-Tex after midnight. Isolated to
   scattered severe thunderstorms are also expected in Florida, and
   along parts of the central and eastern Gulf Coast.

   ...Central and Southern Plains...
   A shortwave trough will move across the southern and central Rockies
   today towards a moist and unstable airmass in the southern and
   central Plains. At the surface, a low will deepen in west Texas near
   a dryline that will extend northward into eastern Colorado.
   Low-level convergence will increase along the dryline as surface
   temperatures warm during the day. This should result in convective
   initiation in the vicinity of the Palmer Divide during the early
   afternoon. The convection is forecast to expand in coverage, and
   develop into an MCS during the late afternoon and early evening. The
   MCS is forecast to track east-southeastward from southeast Colorado
   into southern Kansas and Oklahoma.

   A 45 to 60 knot mid-level jet associated with the shortwave trough,
   is forecast to move eastward into the southern High Plains today.
   Ahead of this feature, a moist and very unstable airmass will be in
   place form the Texas Panhandle extending east-southeastward across
   much of Oklahoma and northeast Texas. Surface dewpoints from the mid
   60s to lower 70s F will contribute to moderate to strong instability
   by afternoon, with MLCAPE likely reaching the 3000 to 5000 J/kg
   range. In addition to an impressive thermodynamic environment,
   kinematics will improve during the day as the mid-level jet
   approaches. By late afternoon, RAP forecast soundings along the
   track of the expected MCS have supercell wind profiles, with 0-6 km
   shear around 50 knots. This, combined with 700-500 mb lapse rates
   near 8.0 C/km will be very favorable for large hail. Hailstones of
   greater than 2 inches in diameter will be possible with the more
   intense supercells, associated with discrete cells that develop
   ahead of the track of the MCS. A tornado, wind-damage and hail
   threat is also expected to develop with supercells embedded within
   the MCS. The greatest tornado threat is forecast in northwest
   Oklahoma, where low-level shear will steadily ramp up during the
   early to mid evening. 

   As the MCS organizes and moves southeastward into the strong
   instability, supercells and bowing line segments are expected. The
   wind-damage potential will likely increase during the early to mid
   evening as the MCS accelerates east-southeastward in the southern
   Plains. Wind gusts above 70 knots will become possible with cells
   near the leading edge of the MCS during the evening. The linear MCS
   is expected to move across central Oklahoma by late evening, and
   could reach the western Ozarks or Ark-La-Tex during the overnight

   ...Central and Eastern Gulf Coast into Florida...
   An upper-level trough will move southeastward across the eastern
   Gulf Coast states today. At the surface, a moist airmass will be in
   place from the central Gulf Coast eastward to Florida where
   dewpoints will be from the upper 60s to the mid 70s F. It appears
   that an outflow boundary will be in place in southern Mississippi
   and southern Alabama, where low-level convergence will become
   maximized during the day. As surface temperatures warm near this
   boundary, thunderstorms are expected to form around midday. These
   storms will move southeastward toward the immediate coastal areas
   with a severe threat likely developing. RAP forecast soundings this
   afternoon from Biloxi, Mississippi eastward into the Florida
   Panhandle have MLCAPE peaking in the 3000 to 4000 J/kg range, with
   steep lapse rates between 700 and 500 mb. This, combined with 0-6 km
   shear in the 40 to 50 knot range should support supercell
   development with isolated large hail. Hailstones of greater than 2
   inches in diameter will be possible with the more intense cells. A
   wind-damage threat will also be likely.

   Further east across Florida, a moist airmass will be in place with
   surface dewpoints in the 70s F. Thunderstorm development will take
   place along sea-breeze boundaries as temperatures warm during the
   day. A few thunderstorms will also develop further inland. RAP
   forecast soundings in central Florida have MLCAPE peaking around
   3000 J/kg, with 0-6 m shear in the 30 to 35 knot range. This,
   combined with steep low-level lapse rates should be enough for an
   isolated wind-damage threat. Hail will also be possible with the
   stronger cells.

   ..Broyles/Jirak.. 06/17/2023


Edited by snowlover2
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  • Meteorologist

I suspect we’re gonna see something more like NAM/3km NAM moisture-wise given that the wet bias is the way to go right now. It also proved to be the correct idea back on Thursday. HRRR is aggressive with mixing (as usual) which keeps most of the northern Texas panhandle out of the worst of it.

Edited by ClicheVortex2014
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  • Meteorologist

This MCS was not expected to push this far east this morning nor survive this long. Might kill our severe chances if we don't destabilize today. On the flip side, could make things more interesting if we do destabilize and there's a remnant boundary this afternoon. Definitely something to watch. 

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  • Meteorologist

The atmosphere appears to be recovering pretty well here. Got mid to upper 60 dews just off to my south, which should slowly advect northward. Gonna be interesting to see if we can get something on any remnant boundaries from this morning. 

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Main show could be starting soon.

  Mesoscale Discussion 1129
   NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
   0351 PM CDT Sat Jun 17 2023

   Areas affected...southeast Colorado...southwest Kansas...Oklahoma
   Panhandle and northwest Oklahoma...portions of the eastern Texas

   Concerning...Severe potential...Watch likely 

   Valid 172051Z - 172245Z

   Probability of Watch Issuance...80 percent

   SUMMARY...Severe thunderstorms are expected to develop along a
   dryline over the next 1 to 2 hours, with large to very large hail,
   damaging winds and a couple tornadoes possible.  Trends will
   continue to be monitored and a watch is likely in the next 1 to 2

   DISCUSSION...Supercell thunderstorm development is likely to occur
   along a dryline that extends through the central Texas Panhandle
   north across the western OK Panhandle over the next couple of hours,
   within a moderate-strongly unstable environment and 50-60 kts of
   westerly deep-layer shear.  Large to very large hail will be
   possible given very steep mid-level lapse rates and considerable
   CAPE in the -10C to -30C layer, and damaging gusts will also be
   possible.  Some potential will exist for low-level rotation and a
   tornado or two as low-level hodographs become more favorable towards
   early evening.  With time, storms are likely to merge into an
   eastward-moving MCS capable of all severe hazards and an increasing
   risk for significant severe wind gusts. 

   Short-term trends will continue to be monitored and a watch will
   likely be needed in the next 1 to 2 hours.

   ..Bunting/Hart.. 06/17/2023



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Tornado watch up but the possible winds and hail is crazy!

   Tornado Watch Number 327
   NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
   435 PM CDT Sat Jun 17 2023

   The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a

   * Tornado Watch for portions of 
     Far southwest Kansas
     Western Oklahoma and Panhandle
     Texas Panhandle

   * Effective this Saturday afternoon and evening from 435 PM until
     1100 PM CDT.

   * Primary threats include...
     A couple tornadoes possible
     Scattered damaging winds and isolated significant gusts to 90
       mph likely
     Scattered large hail and isolated very large hail events to 3.5
       inches in diameter likely

   SUMMARY...A QLCS will sweep east from southeast Colorado and the
   Raton Mesa, with a few discrete supercells expected ahead of it in
   the Panhandles to western Oklahoma.

   The tornado watch area is approximately along and 85 statute miles
   east and west of a line from 45 miles northeast of Liberal KS to 45
   miles southwest of Clinton OK. For a complete depiction of the watch
   see the associated watch outline update (WOUS64 KWNS WOU7).


   REMEMBER...A Tornado Watch means conditions are favorable for
   tornadoes and severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch
   area. Persons in these areas should be on the lookout for
   threatening weather conditions and listen for later statements
   and possible warnings.


   325...WW 326...

   AVIATION...Tornadoes and a few severe thunderstorms with hail
   surface and aloft to 3.5 inches. Extreme turbulence and surface wind
   gusts to 80 knots. A few cumulonimbi with maximum tops to 550. Mean
   storm motion vector 27040.




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Confirmed tornado NW of Pensacola FL. Also a tornado warning about to enter the OK panhandle.

Tornado Warning
National Weather Service Mobile AL
451 PM CDT Sat Jun 17 2023

The National Weather Service in Mobile has issued a

* Tornado Warning for...
  East central Baldwin County in southwestern Alabama...
  Central Escambia County in northwestern Florida...

* Until 530 PM CDT.

* At 450 PM CDT, a confirmed tornado was located 12 miles west of
  Gonzalez, moving southeast at 10 mph.

  HAZARD...Damaging tornado.

  SOURCE...Public confirmed tornado.

  IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without
           shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed.
           Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur.  Tree
           damage is likely.

* This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of
  east central Baldwin and central Escambia Counties.



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Tornado warned cell approaching Beaver OK means business.

Severe Weather Statement
National Weather Service Amarillo TX
604 PM CDT Sat Jun 17 2023

Beaver OK-
604 PM CDT Sat Jun 17 2023


At 604 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado
was located 6 miles southwest of Floris, or 12 miles west of Beaver,
moving east at 35 mph.

HAZARD...Tornado and baseball size hail.

SOURCE...Weather spotters reported a rotating wall cloud.

IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without
         shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage
         to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur.  Tree damage is

Locations impacted include...
Beaver, Forgan, Mocane and Floris.


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Just now, ElectricStorm said:

That cells confirmed now 

Sure is.

Severe Weather Statement
National Weather Service Amarillo TX
616 PM CDT Sat Jun 17 2023

Beaver OK-
616 PM CDT Sat Jun 17 2023


At 616 PM CDT, a confirmed tornado was located 6 miles south of
Floris, or 9 miles west of Beaver, moving east at 25 mph.

HAZARD...Damaging tornado and baseball size hail.

SOURCE...Weather spotters confirmed tornado.

IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without
         shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage
         to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur.  Tree damage is

Locations impacted include...


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Almost to Beaver.

Tornado Warning
National Weather Service Amarillo TX
619 PM CDT Sat Jun 17 2023

The National Weather Service in Amarillo has issued a

* Tornado Warning for...
  Central Beaver County in the Panhandle of Oklahoma...

* Until 715 PM CDT.

* At 619 PM CDT, a confirmed tornado was located 6 miles west of
  Beaver, moving east at 25 mph.

  HAZARD...Damaging tornado and baseball size hail.

  SOURCE...Weather spotters confirmed tornado.

  IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without
           shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed.
           Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur.  Tree
           damage is likely.

* Locations impacted include...
  Beaver and Knowles.


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4 minutes ago, snowlover2 said:

Beaver cell not confirmed anymore.

Cell over Beaver now and holy hell grapefruit sized hail!!!

Severe Weather Statement
National Weather Service Amarillo TX
633 PM CDT Sat Jun 17 2023

Beaver OK-
633 PM CDT Sat Jun 17 2023


At 633 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado
was located over Beaver, moving east at 25 mph.

HAZARD...Tornado and grapefruit size hail.

SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation.

IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without
         shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage
         to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur.  Tree damage is

Locations impacted include...
Beaver and Knowles.


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There's been a 3" hail report with that Beaver cell.

Preliminary Local Storm Report
National Weather Service Amarillo TX
632 PM CDT Sat Jun 17 2023

..TIME...   ...EVENT...      ...CITY LOCATION...     ...LAT.LON...
..DATE...   ....MAG....      ..COUNTY LOCATION..ST.. ...SOURCE....

0622 PM     Hail             5 SE Floris             36.80N 100.65W
06/17/2023  M3.00 inch       Beaver             OK   Trained Spotter

            report submitted via spotter network.


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