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June 5th-September 1st, 2023 | Severe Storm Sequence


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8 hours ago, ElectricStorm said:

That was one of the loudest storms I've had in a while. My goodness 

Flash flood warning still up here 

Yeah, it was crashing and banging all over the place. It's nice for a change since this time last year, we were absolutely scorching!


Norman got 2.8 inches (I got 2.75, even though rain gauge says 2.7, there was some wind factored into the lower levels), which means in the past 7 days, Norman got 7.5 inches, and I got over 6 inches.


This July is already one of the wettest I've seen in years.

Edited by Iceresistance
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Had a brief moment of caution this evening with a cell that formed in southern Michigan around between Tecumseh and Dundee. Isolated cells started forming around 3:30, but this one that formed around 5 definitely had some characteristics of a supercell. I was near the border south on a job and managed to snap a couple of pictures. Saw some mammatus and a beautiful anvil structure after I made it home. Radar indicated rotation but I haven’t heard about any reports of funnels sighted. 

This was a particularly cautionary event because this was roughly where the cell that ended up producing the mini outbreak just a couple of weeks ago in the Point Place area started. That one rode the boundary, got direct lake influence, and dipped south while riding the lakeshore. This one did the same, but I think the cell that formed just west cut off it’s inflow and choked it out before becoming anything too serious. 

Not a drop of rain at the house today but some gorgeous storm structures from afar. 








Edited by NWOhioChaser
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Interesting….Local met has a suspicion that an MCV could develop and interact with a warm front this evening, and potentially turn into one of those sneaky unpredicted threats like those that have happened in the past in northwest Ohio. Mentions the Aug. 2016 outbreak having the same setup. Depends if storms can fire in the area during what he believes could be the window of enhanced shear. 

Regardless of if it happens, it’s nice to see a met that knows, studies and learns from local history; digs a bit deeper into the data and tries to give a heads up if his Spidey senses start tingling. 




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15 hours ago, Iceresistance said:

Yeah, it was crashing and banging all over the place. It's nice for a change since this time last year, we were absolutely scorching!


Norman got 2.8 inches (I got 2.75, even though rain gauge says 2.7, there was some wind factored into the lower levels), which means in the past 7 days, Norman got 7.5 inches, and I got over 6 inches.


This July is already one of the wettest I've seen in years.

Yeah last summer sucked. 

Much better this year so far although the next few days will be brutal. At least we have another front coming Friday night/Saturday 

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24 minutes ago, ElectricStorm said:

Yeah last summer sucked. 

Much better this year so far although the next few days will be brutal. At least we have another front coming Friday night/Saturday 

Despite the Excessive Heat Warning for today, this summer is already better compared to Last Year's

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SPC is now seeing what Ross Ellet did this morning. Latest Day 1 update extends Slight Risk into NW Ohio with a new 5% Tornado Risk now stretching from Chicago to Toledo. 


...Northern IL/southern WI east to northwest OH/southern lower MI...

   Current MCS continues a general weakening trend based on IR cloud
   tops, radar trends and recent reports. Air mass recovery in the wake
   of the morning convection currently appears plausible, aided by a
   modestly enhanced low-level jet later this afternoon and evening.
   Steepening mid-level lapse rates will contribute to moderate/pockets
   of strong MLCAPE this afternoon, and coupled with 40-50 kts of
   deep-layer shear would result in a favorable parameter space for
   supercell development by late afternoon/early evening with all
   severe hazards possible. Will introduce a small 5 percent tornado
   probability area across this region, where forecast sounding
   hodograph structure appears most favorable for low-level
   rotation/tornado potential east of a weak surface low. 





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Although having clouds/precip linger into the afternoon like this can be a problem, I don't think it will be in this case (talking about the IL/IN area).  Famous last words lol.  It's really on a case by case basis and in this case, there should be enough low level flow to allow for northward airmass recovery.  Also do have breaks in the clouds showing up on satellite, especially farther west. 

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18 hours ago, NWOhioChaser said:

Had a brief moment of caution this evening with a cell that formed in southern Michigan around between Tecumseh and Dundee. Isolated cells started forming around 3:30, but this one that formed around 5 definitely had some characteristics of a supercell. I was near the border south on a job and managed to snap a couple of pictures. Saw some mammatus and a beautiful anvil structure after I made it home. Radar indicated rotation but I haven’t heard about any reports of funnels sighted. 

This was a particularly cautionary event because this was roughly where the cell that ended up producing the mini outbreak just a couple of weeks ago in the Point Place area started. That one rode the boundary, got direct lake influence, and dipped south while riding the lakeshore. This one did the same, but I think the cell that formed just west cut off it’s inflow and choked it out before becoming anything too serious. 

Not a drop of rain at the house today but some gorgeous storm structures from afar. 








For me, I saw somewhat of a red sunset last night and I noticed the towering cloud and some of the high cirrus or anvil. It was kind of a lazy cold-front sort of day. Yesterday there was a high of 90 in Toledo, but dew point wavered around 60, with just scattered storms around the front. That's kind of what happens when the moisture and forcing is not too special.

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