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March 12-15, 2023 | NE / Mid-Atlantic Winter Storm

Penn State

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6 minutes ago, Poco said:


NWS with a warning here for 12-18 inches.  

I know these type of storms are unpredictable and often overperform, but wow, they going for it 

Do they know or see something we don’t ?!?? Wow 


unless maybe they’re using the HREF model. snow and qpf



Edited by PA road DAWG
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14 minutes ago, PA road DAWG said:

Ideal nor’easters see a ridge over Idaho not Montana 

Not all nor’easters are the same 


1 minute ago, PA road DAWG said:

Do they know or see something we don’t ?!?? Wow 

It’s a unique storm type, miller bs often crush carbon and Monroe and areas that see no snow on modeling or just a few inches can end with feet.  That’s why I stress not to throw I towel on this type of storm till it shows it’s cards, after the bands setup and the capture takes place then throw your towel.   I don’t want any of this snow so if I could give it all to you I would. 

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28 minutes ago, telejunkie said:

have some scattered very light snow shower activity out there this morning...temps hovering right at 32F.

Maybe already posted, but this morning's map from Burlington. SREF jumped up to 1' for Rutland airport just to my north...nice to see.


I wonder if BTV makes some changes to their map after the 12Z model runs?  SREFs for Burlington are 11" while BTV has forecast 1 1/2".  There definitely seems to be a north trend on the models.  Yesterday I was wondering if we'd get anything more than white rain.  Today I should be checking the gas in the snowblower.

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19 minutes ago, PA road DAWG said:

Ideal nor’easters see a ridge over Idaho not Montana 

Lol, they do border each other. Besides, "ideal setup" doesn't exist in my book. While storms can show similarities, each storm is unique. 

You're never gonna have everything you want for a storm, save for every 25-50 years.

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This is some kinda cutoff. I think the HRRR is trying to see the Housatonic river valley here at the upper left corner. The Waterbury reference is the airport there which is 8 miles away.  1 to 9 inches within 8 miles.  


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10 minutes ago, StretchCT said:

NAM Trend


These trend snowfall Maps can get be a bit misleading when model init looks like this


the models sees this as digital snow that has already fallen prior to this frame and removes it in the Latest runs 
so you lose sone digital snow on the most recent runs as the model has already laid down a large covering of an 1-3 inches.  So they end up looking like they are drying up.  I try not to weigh them heavily unless you can show much is being left out if the latest frames 

Snow maps kinda suck 

Edited by Poco
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Just now, StretchCT said:

Tropical guy in me says there's too much shear for this to form.  The tops are getting blown off the thunderstorms.



Asymmetrical venting feeds the strengthening! 🥹

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3 minutes ago, Poco said:

These trend snowfall Maps can get be a bit misleading when model init looks like this

so you lose sone digital snow on the most recent runs as the model has already laid down a large covering of an 1-3 inches.  So they end up looking like they are drying up.  I try not to weigh them heavily unless you can show much is being left out if the latest s grands 


Steve D, said the convective nature of this storm is playing havoc with the models, what are your thoughts?

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2 minutes ago, StretchCT said:

Tropical guy in me says there's too much shear for this to form.  The tops are getting blown off the thunderstorms.



hah, you beat me to it. I was thinking the same exact thing 

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Honestly it’s just a wild miller b with an energy field that is playing havoc, I said yesterday or the other day that I think it’s less convective feedback being the issue and more of an issue with how the model is placing the mslp around a bunk area of extreme subsidence that it seen to keep trying to interior as not assimilating into the flow at h5. 

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7 minutes ago, Poco said:

the models sees this as digital snow that has already fallen prior to this frame and removes it

Are you saying that the radar isn't matching accumulation (which it doesn't), or are you saying that snow has fallen before the 12z initialization that is captured in prior runs, but not the 12z.

The latter is true.  Example:  This is what has fallen prior to 12z on the 0z run


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I prolly just broadly defined conv feedback so yea he’s prolly right.  I’m not a Met so most of the time I just post based on what I’ve encountered over my 15 years following these storms.  True meteorologists will always trump any knowledge I have.  The advantage we have in here is that we can take stabs that other measured industry folks can’t.  We don’t suffer much backlash for being wrong on an Internet forum 

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Man so much shifting here that I refuse won't hang the towel until the very end like @Poco said, specially for fringe zones like mine were it can go either way. Wouldn't be surprised if mesos later on bring more digital snow back down this way after taking it away, I haven't seen weirder things 🤷

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