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March 10-11, 2023 | NE/Mid-Atl Winter Storm


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The transfer south of OBX is key as it allows more time for a coastal to come up.  It also hits a wall as it comes up which for this run is good for me. Depending on where that wall goes is key too. 




Edited by StretchCT
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Still a lot of moving parts, but seemingly instead of one big bowling bowl coming across the country, models have now split it into two smaller troughs...a lot less dynamics, but much more likely of them making it to the coast instead of cutting.

Edited by telejunkie
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Not this timeframe...but 12z CMC was very close to a  💣 at the end of its run....

Screen Shot 2023-03-06 at 11.34.27 AM.png

I mean SLP did drop from 994mb to 959mb, 35 mb drop in 18 hours...so there was that.

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Looks like GFS is the northern and stronger outlier.  Euro not sending much energy for this timeframe, keep it more out west....been making it weaker and weaker.  See if the trend continues or if it heads back towards the GFS.



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So this one looks as though it may follow a very similar style as the 6th-7th storm. Get tossed into the block still present maybe just a little further south with this one though. Will have to wait and see but interesting to watch the lobe of energy hold through flow. A couple days ago the models were highlighting a classic with ridging into Eastern Canada solid 50/50 look now the east Canada ridging is rather muted and a little piece of energy is now present rotating around the 50/50 trough.


Here is the CMC, GFS, and Euro for the similar time frame. Overall the ridge out west is just not cooperating.


The GFS is just all over the place with the shortwave. It is a little further north because of the timing of the that little piece of energy seen north of Maine on the CMC comes in earlier allowing heights to rise more.


The Euro holding steadyish. It also sees the energy going through earlier like the GFS but not as early so maybe a middle ground between the 3. Ridge again not so great.


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Overall my takeaway is it has a similar approach as the system coming through the mid atlantic today (Pennsylvania really). It has the chance to quickly wrap up which would benefit those in SNE so from about central NJ on NE would benefit from maybe having ourselves a decent storm. There will also be a sharp cutoff as the blocking is still in place and areas maybe NE of Boston or Portland, Maine may miss out. Just depends on when that piece of energy moves through the NW Atlantic. The Euro has the most pronounced piece of energy moving further west and a little slower compared to the GFS and CMC at around hr 84-90 on the models. The little piece that gets up to the southern Hudson Bay on the models at hr 120 (GFS) or 126 (CMC/Euro) that plays a role as well. CMC brings it down with the system and really drops the pressure but it is just a little too offshore for most. Euro is rather weak and south but moves the energy just into the 50/50 trough (probably not so likely but still ok since it stil shows the block). The GFS nopes it and moves it into northern Hudson Bay and the western Greenland probably not as likely as the block is still there. 

These can all be seen on the 500mb vorticity charts for the 12z Euro/ CMC and 18z GFS.

Lets see what happens in the next 24-48 hours. Should be locking in rather soon into the development process as for placement of surface low features we will have to wait on some consistency with the models in the upper levels.

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