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Winter 2023-2024 | Discussion and Outlooks


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9 hours ago, NEPAsnow said:

 guess they only think el nino is the only thing that is driving the weather this winter

Yeah, not trying to get too cute with other indicies. "Here's what other suoer niños did, hence this is likely what this super niño will do". Simple snd to the point.

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Here's my analog years & what how they worked out. Obviously this is general & not specific. I'm not crazy enough to be specific on a seasonal forecast.




DJF 500mb



DJF 2m Temp



DJF Precip 
















First, I don't think DEC will be as bad as the composite. 2m Temps are very difficult to forecast. It's my gut there will be a couple of windows of opportunity in DEC. 

Second, the precip composites are not terrible but there were 2 years that really skew it a little.

Last, if I had to guess on greatest chance of greatest positive anomaly snowfall potential it would be here: black above normal, red much above.




This lines up pretty well with El Nino history per CPC:



I do think we're getting ready to moisten up however, there is a possibility this El Nino is a tad dryer than others. I'm basing that solely on what the fall has been like. 

Remember that I'm not a professional or an expert but a weather weenie. 

Edited by Grace
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1 hour ago, JDClapper said:

Strong, sorry

this will be an interesting case study when this winter is over.  Yes, water temp indicates a strong El Nino but other factors are making this act like a weak one without the atmosphere coupling.  At the moment it is acting more like a basin-wide/ slightly west based el nino.  Guess we shall find out soon enough

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16 minutes ago, Hassaywx1223 said:

Anyone hear the wild card is that water vapor in the atmosphere from the valcano two years ago a lot of Mets are talking about it being the X factor or not 

Yes, but I've noticed many of them are confused about something. They seem to want to talk about Pinatubo & compare Tonga from 2 years ago. Terrible comparison. 

Pinatubo released tons of sulfer aerosol into the stratosphere. It had a massive cooling effect on the strat leading to mostly +AO & + NAO winters.

Tonga is different.  Because it was an underwater Volcano, when it erupted it sent massive amounts of water vapor into the atmosphere. If the water vapor does indeed make it to the lower stratosphere in can have a cooling effect as well but warm the troposphere because its a greater greenhouse gas than C02. Note, not nearly the amount of sulfe aerosol will make it to stratosphere as the aerosol particles & it's not as widespread. So it's a guessing game of what affect, if any it might have. Some believe the unusual global temp spike this year may in part be due to it. 

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Two recent (Nov.) articles from the Capital Weather Gang on this Nino and it’s possible winter’s impacts. One is geared towards the DC area but has general info as well.



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7 minutes ago, Wtkidz said:

Sounding  like  la la la land . hums theme to theme to the Smurf's. 

Those the ensembles. Euro is saying 2009 analog in play. Question is how lucky do you think the euro is. Feeling lucky punk?

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