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March 3-4, 2023 | MW/GL Winter Storm


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Bummer that the OV people are so negative about this storm - I mean, I get being frustrated with this season but there isn't much reason for me to stick around here if 10-20 members are just going to shit all over the people w/ an opportunity from this one.......

I remember when "wishcasting" was frowned upon - guess that didn't carry over. Don't plan to see my donate to this site if this attitude continues to be the norm. 

EDIT: I mean if the owners of this forum want to truly turn this into a weather forum, you are going to have to crack down on this negativity - I remember seldomly experiencing this on the old Accuweather forums. For whatever reason, it appears the majority of the MW folk are from Ohio are will just wishcast and shit all over everyone else that has a chance at any snow. Majority rules, I guess. But if you want to make this a forum that can sustain, I can promise you people from Ohio will not make this board last long-term. You need to be all-inclusive, and that is not the feeling I get here these days......and that's speaking as someone ready for spring!

With that said, I'd appreciate people to continue to help forecasting storms even if they are out of your area; if you aren't interested in that, then this board will literally not make it. 

Edited by MidMichiganWx
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26 minutes ago, MidMichiganWx said:

Bummer that the OV people are so negative about this storm - I mean, I get being frustrated with this season but there isn't much reason for me to stick around here if 10-20 members are just going to shit all over the people w/ an opportunity from this one.......

I remember when "wishcasting" was frowned upon - guess that didn't carry over. Don't plan to see my donate to this site if this attitude continues to be the norm. 

EDIT: I mean if the owners of this forum want to truly turn this into a weather forum, you are going to have to crack down on this negativity - I remember seldomly experiencing this on the old Accuweather forums. For whatever reason, it appears the majority of the MW folk are from Ohio are will just wishcast and shit all over everyone else that has a chance at any snow. Majority rules, I guess. But if you want to make this a forum that can sustain, I can promise you people from Ohio will not make this board last long-term. You need to be all-inclusive, and that is not the feeling I get here these days......and that's speaking as someone ready for spring!

With that said, I'd appreciate people to continue to help forecasting storms even if they are out of your area; if you aren't interested in that, then this board will literally not make it. 

My location is more in sync with yours so you might try Americanwx. I frequent both boards and generally find this forum while consisting of more OV posters to be pretty friendly and informative. Americanwx has a lot more Chicago and Michigan posters with some heavy hitters who are very knowledgeable. But with that knowledge comes lots of sarcasm for those who don't. I've learned to tread lightly with my modest skills as a weather lover there but enjoy both forums. Also I think your being a bit harsh on posters here. Ohiobuckeye45 and several others contribute quite a bit even when their backyards aren't necessarily affected. Hope that helps. 

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29 minutes ago, Cary67 said:

My location is more in sync with yours so you might try Americanwx. I frequent both boards and generally find this forum while consisting of more OV posters to be pretty friendly and informative. Americanwx has a lot more Chicago and Michigan posters with some heavy hitters who are very knowledgeable. But with that knowledge comes lots of sarcasm for those who don't. I've learned to tread lightly with my modest skills as a weather lover there but enjoy both forums. Also I think your being a bit harsh on posters here. Ohiobuckeye45 and several others contribute quite a bit even when their backyards aren't necessarily affected. Hope that helps. 

Meh - all I ask is people are either engaged or they're not - for the meteorological aspect. Last few threads have been blatant 'wishcasting' followed by a bunch of negativity if the models aren't lining up for them. I mean, this thread alone is a good example. 

As a user who is further north it makes me feel extremely unwelcome; like I said, if the owners of this board plan to expand this place, they're going to need to do better than this.


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1 hour ago, MidMichiganWx said:

Bummer that the OV people are so negative about this storm - I mean, I get being frustrated with this season but there isn't much reason for me to stick around here if 10-20 members are just going to shit all over the people w/ an opportunity from this one.......

I remember when "wishcasting" was frowned upon - guess that didn't carry over. Don't plan to see my donate to this site if this attitude continues to be the norm. 

EDIT: I mean if the owners of this forum want to truly turn this into a weather forum, you are going to have to crack down on this negativity - I remember seldomly experiencing this on the old Accuweather forums. For whatever reason, it appears the majority of the MW folk are from Ohio are will just wishcast and shit all over everyone else that has a chance at any snow. Majority rules, I guess. But if you want to make this a forum that can sustain, I can promise you people from Ohio will not make this board last long-term. You need to be all-inclusive, and that is not the feeling I get here these days......and that's speaking as someone ready for spring!

With that said, I'd appreciate people to continue to help forecasting storms even if they are out of your area; if you aren't interested in that, then this board will literally not make it. 

Your not seeing anything different than you did on AccuWeather. The problem started when the conversion from AccuWeather to wxdisco only consisted of majority OV posters. So when only 3 people from Michigan are active posters maybe 3 from Illinois and 1-2 in MN and the rest just lurk, it's going to come off as what you described. When the roles are flipped you get the same negativity from the areas missing the storm but because it's drown out by the positivity of the areas being hit. Simply put it wouldn't seem that way if there were more active posters from different areas which is what it looks like the social media director intention is for. The site is a year old it'll take time. Representation in the NE is fine. We just had a monster blizzard in the MW and I was the top poster...thats not to call myself out as the top contributor but more so to call out the fact we don't have but 1-2 posters that contribute from those areas.

Head to the NE thread when there is eventually a storm there....and you'll see the same positive and negative posts, but because the representation is larger, it's appropriately distributed, negativity gets drown out. Anyone from there who pops on here and reads this, ill bet would agree. You also add in the fact this has been 1 of the worst winters on record, and February was record breaking in alot of areas seeing 0" of snow...exacerbates the issue. I don't see any fault of anyone running the site


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1 minute ago, Ohiobuckeye45 said:

Your not seeing anything different than you did on AccuWeather. The problem started when the conversion from AccuWeather to wxdisco only consisted of majority OV posters. So when only 3 people from Michigan are active posters maybe 3 from Illinois and 1-2 in MN and the rest just lurk, it's going to come off as what you described. When the roles are flipped you get the same negativity from the areas missing the storm but because it's drown out by the positivity of the areas being hit. Simply put it wouldn't seem that way if there were more active posters from different areas which is what it looks like the social media director intention is for. The site is a year old it'll take time. Representation in the NE is fine. We just had a monster blizzard in the MW and I was the top poster...thats not to call myself out as the top contributor but more so to call out the fact we don't have but 1-2 posters that contribute from those areas.

Head to the NE thread when there is eventually a storm there....and you'll see the same positive and negative posts, but because the representation is larger, it's appropriately distributed, negativity gets drown out. Anyone from there who pops on here and reads this, ill bet would agree. You also add in the fact this has been 1 of the worst winters on record, and February was record breaking in alot of areas seeing 0" of snow...exacerbates the issue. I don't see any fault of anyone running the site


I saw you were typing and wanted to give you the floor before I chimed in. Wonderfully spoken, I could not have said the post better myself. Likewise, the staff and I do thank you for the vote of confidence. 

I would like to add that we do not like to over police. As @Ohiobuckeye45 stated, it has been a dismal winter. Likewise, we have three main split Wx boards currently. 

Other Wx Boards tend to be at each other's throats. The staff and I do not want that. 

We have a pretty good crew in here, and I am not talking about the staff. As things progress, we will see more posters filter in, especially from the younger crowd, who we are hoping to encourage and provide an atmosphere where they can learn. 

In regards to the storms, I have found some very good information here from all our posters. Of course, there is disappointment, but as long as it does not go overboard, we do not intervene. When it does, usually 1 comment from staff is all it takes. 

I do not know if you have been on other forums (I am sure you have), however, some of them are just downright mean. At the same time, it can become quite negative or positive depending on the turn of events. While our forums also follow that pattern at times, it is relatively mild. I am on all three heavy hitting boards (I am including ours here) and I can tell you that we are the most welcoming. We enjoy allowing people to freely discuss ideas, with minimal policing. 

As we expand and grow, I am sure we may need to take harder stances at times, however, we also have not had a true heavy hitting storm for metro areas, with the exception of Severe Wx Events- which -well- we could definitely do with less of. 

@MidMichiganWx If you look at AmericanWx right now, there are actually more posts in this forum than on theirs. Perhaps some of it is more banter, but, we do not have very many posters in any region at this time. So to completely delineate all of the posts would result in a myriad of 1-2 Page Threads with information getting lost across the board. 

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44 minutes ago, Pghsnow said:

Big jump east by UKie



1 hour ago, Pghsnow said:

prateptype-imp.conus (2).png


7 hours ago, Ohiobuckeye45 said:

microscopically SE, but it doesn't matter at this point if the low is closed



5 hours ago, Ohiobuckeye45 said:

This is hour 240 of the Euro from 2/22.....

It literally did a full 360 back to where it started..just noticed this. 


We are in a pattern shift and the models are all trying to figure out what is going on. Given how the shifts have been consistently South and East this week with the storm currently affecting the EC, I would not buy into this hook, line and sinker yet. 

Unfortunately -given the macroscale features- the likelihood is that this either Cuts significantly West (especially if the storm is able to rapidly strengthen) or the storm is shunted south and forced towards a redevelopment off the Eastern Seaboard. Both options are on the table. You have the PNA, EPO & NAO all in transition. 24-36 Hours +/- with these features could mean the difference of hundreds of miles with this LP placement. 

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26 minutes ago, Ohiobuckeye45 said:

Your not seeing anything different than you did on AccuWeather. The problem started when the conversion from AccuWeather to wxdisco only consisted of majority OV posters. So when only 3 people from Michigan are active posters maybe 3 from Illinois and 1-2 in MN and the rest just lurk, it's going to come off as what you described. When the roles are flipped you get the same negativity from the areas missing the storm but because it's drown out by the positivity of the areas being hit. Simply put it wouldn't seem that way if there were more active posters from different areas which is what it looks like the social media director intention is for. The site is a year old it'll take time. Representation in the NE is fine. We just had a monster blizzard in the MW and I was the top poster...thats not to call myself out as the top contributor but more so to call out the fact we don't have but 1-2 posters that contribute from those areas.

Head to the NE thread when there is eventually a storm there....and you'll see the same positive and negative posts, but because the representation is larger, it's appropriately distributed, negativity gets drown out. Anyone from there who pops on here and reads this, ill bet would agree. You also add in the fact this has been 1 of the worst winters on record, and February was record breaking in alot of areas seeing 0" of snow...exacerbates the issue. I don't see any fault of anyone running the site




This really is not an "us vs them" scenario. 

I have never seen myself or any other Michigan people shit all over a scenario, however, I sure have seen you and other OV people do that - "I'm done, tired of forecasting storms for other people"

Come on. I'm not trying to be an asshole here but seriously, this board is just being so negative and one sided. Like I said, you will not expand with this behavior and attitude. Simple as that. Idk how else to put it. 

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I don’t think it’s fair to say the owners of the site are doing anything wrong here. This has been a bad winter for many areas so there’s obviously going to be disappointment from people who saw a storm be modeled to track to there south with a good chance at snow to see it shift way up north. And this is coming from someone that is now right in the bullseye for heaviest snowfall. I know I get frustrated when a storm shifts unfavorably for my area and it seems like many storms this year have done this to the majority of the forum.

I think the best way to get more interest going for areas that have less members is to post more if you’re in those areas. That way more people lurking in those areas might feel better about joining in.

I think so far this forum has been great and at least you don’t have to deal with a crazy person calling everyone names if you don’t agree with him lol. I mean no one’s kicked me out yet from joining into your threads and I’m not even in the same country lol.

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2 minutes ago, MidMichiganWx said:



This really is not an "us vs them" scenario. 

I have never seen myself or any other Michigan people shit all over a scenario, however, I sure have seen you and other OV people do that - "I'm done, tired of forecasting storms for other people"

Come on. I'm not trying to be an asshole here but seriously, this board is just being so negative and one sided. Like I said, you will not expand with this behavior and attitude. Simple as that. Idk how else to put it. 

That's not what was said. At all. You've made your opinion known. We have heard you. 

Staff and posters have answered you. I am sorry you feel that this board is one sided and negative. But, you have been answered, and in nothing but an explanatory and welcoming tone. 

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4 hours ago, BuckeyeGal said:

It’s comical at this point.


13 hours ago, Ohiobuckeye45 said:

this is turning in to a nightmare


3 hours ago, NWOhioChaser said:

I like how it does it’s damndest to avoid IL, IN, and OH at all costs. Literally mocking us.


10 hours ago, FortySixAnd32 said:

Uhm....Tornado watch. I know wrong thread but......


7 hours ago, Ohiobuckeye45 said:

bleh, yuck

Really makes non-OV people feel included lol 

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39 minutes ago, Ohiobuckeye45 said:

Your not seeing anything different than you did on AccuWeather. The problem started when the conversion from AccuWeather to wxdisco only consisted of majority OV posters. So when only 3 people from Michigan are active posters maybe 3 from Illinois and 1-2 in MN and the rest just lurk, it's going to come off as what you described. When the roles are flipped you get the same negativity from the areas missing the storm but because it's drown out by the positivity of the areas being hit. Simply put it wouldn't seem that way if there were more active posters from different areas which is what it looks like the social media director intention is for. The site is a year old it'll take time. Representation in the NE is fine. We just had a monster blizzard in the MW and I was the top poster...thats not to call myself out as the top contributor but more so to call out the fact we don't have but 1-2 posters that contribute from those areas.

Head to the NE thread when there is eventually a storm there....and you'll see the same positive and negative posts, but because the representation is larger, it's appropriately distributed, negativity gets drown out. Anyone from there who pops on here and reads this, ill bet would agree. You also add in the fact this has been 1 of the worst winters on record, and February was record breaking in alot of areas seeing 0" of snow...exacerbates the issue. I don't see any fault of anyone running the site


I appreciate your usual words on forecasts but lately the negativity has been over the top. I'm actually surprised most level headed members have not noticed this. 


When the roles are flipped you get the same negativity from the areas missing the storm

Disagree entirely. This is absolutely crazy.....I can't think of a single time where I haven't seen Michigan people rooting for their OV counterparts - I've done it half a dozen times minimum.


Simply put it wouldn't seem that way if there were more active posters from different areas which is what it looks like the social media director intention is for.

Good luck I guess. At this point, this board is an Ohio Valley circlejerk. I tried to be inclusive but nobody is really interested as far as I can tell. I wasn't aware that majority location = dump on the minority.

At this point I have no interest in donating after this experience, sadly. 

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39 minutes ago, Ohiobuckeye45 said:

Your not seeing anything different than you did on AccuWeather. The problem started when the conversion from AccuWeather to wxdisco only consisted of majority OV posters. So when only 3 people from Michigan are active posters maybe 3 from Illinois and 1-2 in MN and the rest just lurk, it's going to come off as what you described. When the roles are flipped you get the same negativity from the areas missing the storm but because it's drown out by the positivity of the areas being hit. Simply put it wouldn't seem that way if there were more active posters from different areas which is what it looks like the social media director intention is for. The site is a year old it'll take time. Representation in the NE is fine. We just had a monster blizzard in the MW and I was the top poster...thats not to call myself out as the top contributor but more so to call out the fact we don't have but 1-2 posters that contribute from those areas.

Head to the NE thread when there is eventually a storm there....and you'll see the same positive and negative posts, but because the representation is larger, it's appropriately distributed, negativity gets drown out. Anyone from there who pops on here and reads this, ill bet would agree. You also add in the fact this has been 1 of the worst winters on record, and February was record breaking in alot of areas seeing 0" of snow...exacerbates the issue. I don't see any fault of anyone running the site


I appreciate your usual words on forecasts but lately the negativity has been over the top. I'm actually surprised most level headed members have not noticed this. 


When the roles are flipped you get the same negativity from the areas missing the storm

Disagree entirely. This is absolutely crazy.....I can't think of a single time where I haven't seen Michigan people rooting for their OV counterparts - I've done it half a dozen times minimum.


Simply put it wouldn't seem that way if there were more active posters from different areas which is what it looks like the social media director intention is for.

Good luck I guess. At this point, this board is an Ohio Valley circlejerk. I tried to be inclusive but nobody is really interested as far as I can tell. I wasn't aware that majority location = dump on the minority.

At this point I have no interest in donating after this experience, sadly. 

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  • Meteorologist

EFI doesn't have the strongest signal right now, which may be hinting towards the temperature concerns, but shift of tails is pretty impressive, which hints towards the high end potential of this system. I know all of us want a piece of this storm but someone is going to get a good hit I think.  I know the feeling of losing interest when trends aren't your friend (December storm for example) so I've been the one to share frustrations before. 


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