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February 27-28, 2023 | NE/Mid-Atl Winter Storm


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37 minutes ago, TLChip said:

On the cusp of snowfall 🥹, guilty of loss of enthusiasm. Been a rough winter with the SER destroying everything once we get within 5 days. Makes it hard to put anything on the platter farther out this year.   

Another good fluff layer for the mountains of the NE, also some snow starved will see snow from this. 




Looks like another round of February thunderstorms for the Pittsburgh area! Yay...

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This is going to be interesting. Well, the ride to work tomorrow morning will be at least. Looking like 4-8 here. Good luck to everyone out there!


Nice to see a little bit of winter, looks to be a pretty active pattern


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Warnings and advisories


Albany explains the that the easterlies are driving lower amounts between the mountains of W New England to the Hudson then to the higher slopes west of the Hudson.  Also mentions the high omega in the DGZ (which is fairly high up to be fair) will produce higher ratios and times of inch/hr snow.

     Winter Storm Warnings and Advisories in effect for the
forecast area from 7 pm this evening through 7 pm Tuesday...

As of 620 am, water vapor imagery shows a powerful, compact
shortwave trough moving east through the central Plains.
Attendant 982 mb low is analyzed over northern MO. High
pressure is expanding into the Northeast, allowing flurries over
the forecast area to diminish. Lingering patchy stratus exists,
but many areas should see mostly clear skies to start the day.

The shortwave will deamplify somewhat as it tracks east-
northeast into the Northeastern US today into tonight. Surface
low will move into the eastern Great Lakes before weakening,
while secondary development occurs offshore of the Delmarva
tonight. High clouds will thicken this afternoon and evening
ahead of the approaching system, with high temps today slightly
below normal in the mid-20s to upper 30s. A period of strong
lift will occur this evening due to isentropic lift and DCVA.
This setup, also with a NW to SE area of 850-700 mb
frontogenesis, fits the laterally translating band CSTAR
conceptual model. Though the primary low will track to our
west, its weakening and the coastal low strengthening will lock
in the subfreezing air throughout the column, in contrast to
many mixed precip events so far this winter. There will be a
brief period at the onset this evening where strong omega
intersects the dendritic growth zone, though the DGZ is rather
high and the max omega becomes situated below it with time. So
in general, expect snow ratios to be near to a bit above climo
at the beginning of the event (12-16:1), decreasing with time.
The above factors point to a period of moderate to heavy snow
shortly after onset, where snow rates should be around 0.5 to 1
inch per hour on average between 9 pm this evening and 5 am
Tuesday. Easterly winds may gust to 20-25 mph at times in
favored high terrain areas and up the Mohawk Valley, which could
further reduce visibilities. With 25-35 kt east-southeast flow
in the 925-850 mb layer, expect the distribution of
precipitation to be modulated by the terrain, with a minimum
between the Hudson River and the higher terrain of western New
England, and a maximum over the east-southeast slopes of the
high terrain.


Edited by StretchCT
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2 hours ago, StretchCT said:

12z nam recovers



Is this a built-in feature of the NAM, to have this waffles so close to the event? LOL It's not the first time I've seen it do this, especially with these types of setups. Maybe not one of its fortes. But who knows, still gotta look out the window tomorrow for the final outcome I guess hahaha

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Got some work to do on temps in Central PA. Low to mid 40s with sun still peeking through. Dewpoints low 20s, so that should get us into the upper to maybe mid 30s, then gonna need some additional help from darkness and heavier precip. Or, this is just another meh in a long line of mehs.

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Given that the NAO is still flexing somewhat and the dynamics with this system (and my gut), I would go with this will be an over producer in the fringe areas. It is going to come in like a wall and accumulate rather rapidly. Likewise, You are going to have a cooled environment to work with after the initial thump. Of course, warm tongues must be incorporated into the thought process, but I think we see a good bit of accumulation for those on the Southern Fringes. 

Helps that it arrives after dark as well. 

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11 minutes ago, StretchCT said:

Euro held the line with the precip type, bumped some totals around from qpf output though.


Actually might be a shift north with the precip.


Think that speaks to @Uscg Ast point he made earlier that this thing has got some juice under its hood....

Edited by telejunkie
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