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January 22-23, 2023 | Winter Storm

Penn State

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3 hours ago, PA road DAWG said:

12z nam coming in more amped than 6z.  Willl likely result in a warmer and further NW snow line 

Nope it's better for us on the fringe in SENY into CT. Small ticks SE with snow for 12z runs. Not NW.

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Burlington's disco

The extended forecast remains relatively unchanged with
potential for accumulating snow Sunday night through Monday.
Character of precipitation will be mainly snow with cold air
holding over the North Country. No downstream blocking will keep
the pattern progressive, so blockbuster amounts are not
expected. Still, overall pattern is favorable for snow
accumulations especially for southern and eastern Vermont.
Deterministic models continue to agree on the general message
above, but vary slightly with low intensity, amount of moisture
wrapping back over Vermont/northern New York, and track.
GFS/Canadian remain most robust with stronger low circulation
along New England coast and ample moisture advection. NAM/EC
favor a slightly flatter trajectory and weaker low. Ensembles
are more towards the middle, but slightly more towards the
GFS/Canadian solutions. Initial estimates of snowfall are
ranging widely with values between 3 and 6 inches relatively
equally possible for lower valleys of southern and eastern
Vermont, between 3 and 8 inches for higher terrain of the Green
Mountains, between 0.5 and 3 inches across northern New York,
and between 1 and 4 inches for the northern Champlain Valley.
This isn`t a forecast for expected amounts, but to show the
continued variability in solutions due to fast system movement
and varying storm dynamics from model to model and run to run.
Forecast error bounds are towards the higher end of the ranges
for higher terrain, southern, and eastern Vermont lending some
confidence in at least moderate snowfall totals for these
locations. The highest model variability remains towards the
northern Champlain Valley and northern New York; will be
watching model trends closely over the next couple of runs.
Temperatures will be running around to slightly above seasonal
averages through Tuesday.


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NAM is much better for southern fringe areas, actually keeps i84 all frozen now and NW NJ  & much of CT does much better. Snow to ice( prob a mix)to snow. Very nice, keep trebding ... 12z vs 18z



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1 hour ago, JDClapper said:

12z and past 7 suites.




I see these modeled storm tracks you posted and I go “wow, this looks like a favorable storm track to bring snow to my area (Hagerstown, MD),” but then I look at NWS forecast and little to no accumulating snow is expected.

As a novice here, I’m guessing it’s the lack of cold air? We are missing the placement and strength of a cold high pressure in Canada needed for snow in my area? 

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