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January 12-14, 2023 | Plains/MW/GL/OV Winter Storm


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06z GFS looks like a replicate of the pre Christmas storm. Absolutely crap pattern right now. Gonna need a monster February to even get close to average snow here. Prolly will need 36” or so which will not be easy to attain.

Edited by easton229
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1 hour ago, Cary67 said:

Really no one doing well with exception of LES favored areas and MSP corridor. NE and Mid Atlantic in the same boat.


Not much snows IMBY but glad to see I am not in the lowest amounts area.  All season, right at 6 inches.

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00z ensembles comparison:   Euro says "I got this thing nailed down".   It is also in between the CMCE and GEFS so that's where my $1.36 bet is going.  As always, we'll see what happens....





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6 minutes ago, MidMichiganWx said:

Need cold air but it's just not happening these last few runs. 

Yeah, for most areas, all three models show the bulk of what snow there is falling with temps just above freezing.  (The lee of the Lakes do see some snow below 32.)

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GRR AFD from this morning:

The main focus continues to be on the Thursday time frame, and how
much precipitation and the p-type expected. There is good agreement
that the initial precipitation out ahead of the system will be rain
as it moves overhead. The various model guidance and ensembles do
show differences in how far NW the initial rain is able to make it.

Differences show up then as far as the track of the low is
concerned. The results then are how is p-type affected, and how much
of each p-type occurs. There is good agreement that after the
initial rain comes in, precipitation changes over to snow relatively
quickly as phasing of the bigger southern stream, and cold air with
the northern stream. The exact timing of these systems phasing is
important to where the snow occurs and how much falls. We are honing
in on a solution, but can`t pin it down completely yet.


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17 minutes ago, MesoscaleBanding said:

I still think there's time for a SE/cooler trend with the track. Isn't this about the time frame where the modeling for the pre-Christmas storm was showing the track pretty far NW before shifting SE a few hundred miles over the last 72 hours or so?

It’s possible but if I’m to guess I’d say this one’s now a cutter. With every model trending NW. It’s probably not going to trend back SE enough for the majority of this forum. I think on to the next.

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