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December 22-24, 2022 | Winter Storm

Penn State

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36 minutes ago, TLChip said:

Wake up man, life throws curveballs things get canceled it’s out of your control, and it’s a daily grind that effects next to nothing. Stop whining, this is a weather forum and you’ve posted almost nothing just weather related. No one enjoys reading your salty posts. 

FYI: I work my ass off year round long days, weeks, months outside in the elements. When I get the chance for a day off because of “weather” my coworkers and bosses don’t care. Rain days are lazy and relaxing, snow days are sledding with the neighborhood kids and parents, we have fun that’s what life is about. I’m not lazy I choice what deserves my attention/effort/energy and what doesn’t; you won’t receive anymore from me. /endrant 🫡

dude i been a firefighter for 30 years 24 hr shifts so please dont tell me about curveballs  i will stop there. i am not talking about snow days it's raining yes its for relaxing yes when you done working or going to school. that's it about this .  


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Between flooding and high wind/outages, it’s going to be a rough ride for many. Good luck to everyone!

on a side note, this storm appears to have one heck of a warm push before deep freeze arrives. Looking at radar return this morning and I can’t believe it’s all rain for a large portion of New England, upstate NY and well into Canada with heavy rain even north of Ottawa. I didn’t expect the warmth to win out that far north.


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We lost power about an hour ago. I made the mistake of taking my son to work this morning. In the 10 mile drive, many smaller trees down and some roads completely blocked. I'm not sure I can find an open road to go back to get him at this point. I did get to see the sun quickly and a rainbow in the western sky. First one I've seen to the west in a long time. 

Current temp is 45 and our snow has been melting quickly. 

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37 to 29 in 40 minutes. The front went through my neighborhood (east side of Williamsport) ~9:25am.


Backend snow was just cosmetic. Made for a dramatic entrance of the front, but no accumulation. Nothing falli g at the moment besides rando flurries.


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19 hours ago, Brodozer1 said:

really its freaking rain go to school dam kids need to learn that's what's wrong with this country pussafied 


19 hours ago, Brodozer1 said:

Seymour pub schools Thomaston pub school Waterbury pub school just started closing.

You think they all close at the same time and make a list i am not a teacher and know this .😂 Middletown schools don't announce until 5 am they all do different times, but you should know this.


16 minutes ago, Brodozer1 said:

dude i been a firefighter for 30 years 24 hr shifts so please dont tell me about curveballs  i will stop there. i am not talking about snow days it's raining yes its for relaxing yes when you done working or going to school. that's it about this .  


Listen, I'm old school also, but telling about the world being different and how the whole world is Going to hades in a hand basket does nothing for you, for me, or - more importantly- the entirety of this board. 

People come here because they love this hobby. You included. I get it, the whole world is different from even 5 years ago. NO ONE recognizes this country and I get it, it's frustrating and it's terrifying. People of all sides, walks, faiths, etc are all in the same boat. Everyone has no idea how to move forward. 

But, this is not the place to vent that. The beautiful thing about this board is that people from every walk of life and background can come together and enjoy talking about what they love. It's the digital form of breaking bread and I for one know this is 1 of the largest reasons the staff here started this board and that is the thing we are looking to protect. 

So, Listen.. Enjoy the hobby and stop focusing on the negative. You may actually forget about the heck you and everyone else feels they have been and are living through. And if you can't forget the negative for a time, don't try to bring all others with you. 

I know I won't have to bring this up again.. To anyone. Thank you. 

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Meso disco on the blizzard in WPA/EOH


Seem to have lost the spoiler option on this post

 Valid 231249Z - 231645Z

   SUMMARY...Heavy snowfall and strong winds will result in blizzard
   conditions across portions of northeast OH and western PA over the
   next few hours.

   DISCUSSION...An intense mid-latitude cyclone continues to push
   eastward across the OH Valley, accompanied by very strong winds and
   frigid temperatures. Latest surface analysis places the surface low
   associated with this cyclone just east of south Lake Huron. An
   attendant cold front stretches southeastward from this low through
   southwestern Ontario, western PA, and the eastern WV Panhandle. The
   heaviest snowfall rates over the past hour or so have occurred from
   the CLE vicinity southeastward into west-central PA, where where
   ascent along the front aligns with deeper large-scale ascent. This
   area of heavy snow is expected to shift northeastward into far
   northeast OH and more of western PA. Snowfall rates of 1" to 2" per
   hour are possible within this band. 

   In addition to the heavy snowfall, strong winds are resulting in
   blizzard conditions for much of northeast OH and western PA. These
   blizzards conditions are occurring even in areas west of the band of
   heavy snowfall, where persistent strong winds are resulting in
   reduced visibility due to blowing snow. As a result, blizzard
   conditions are expected to continue across northeast OH and western
   PA over the next several hours. Adjacent areas of extreme western
   NY, extreme western MD, and central PA could experience
   near-blizzard conditions.

   ..Mosier.. 12/23/2022

   ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product...


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Wind is ferocious here.  Temps dropped from 40 to 22.  Neighbors shed got squished by a 40' pine tree.  I've had two trees down so far.  My burn barrel is in the woods and my trash can was going to join it if I didn't haul it back.

All the water on my driveway dried before it could freeze.

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14 hours ago, Lazman said:

Aren't you under a Flood Watch? Thought I saw that somewhere. That would cut you down a bit, no? 

Oh yeah it rained nonstop since last night, about 5” of snowpack left. Switched over to snow at 11AM ET today. Temp holding steady at 36F

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