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April 18-19, 2022 | Spring "Winter" Storm


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24 minutes ago, BigMirg said:

7” Now.... 



onset 10:30

12:30- 2”

2:00- 4”

2:30- 5”

4:30- 7”


7” in 6 hours and just a WWA..... 

Nice storm, and during the heart of a spring day!

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2 minutes ago, HVSNOWSTORM said:

Well we started as snow basically right off the bat, which was not expected

Yeah, this first part I was not expecting either. But, the main event is about to swing in within the hour. And we will see where life takes us. 0.6" additional? Or 6.0"? 🤷‍♂️

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  • The title was changed to April 18-19, 2022 | Spring "Winter" Storm

We haven't done a vacation since the summer of 2019 and we decided we'd go down to NYC this week for my sons' spring break.  We were leaving tomorrow and driving through the Adirondacks to get there.  I think I will push our start back a day.  It is my fault because I put away the snow shovels last week.

Currently 46 here after a high of 56 with sun today.  It is hard to believe it is supposed to snow tonight.

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BTV's latest forecast discussion


As of 447 PM EDT Monday...Active and impactful period of
weather is on tap for the North Country tonight through Tuesday
before calming down a bit Tuesday night. The northern
Adirondacks of New York remain the main target area for heavy
snow early Tuesday morning with a period of 1-2 inch per hour
snowfall rates. Moderate to heavy snow will accumulate 6 to 10
inches by Tuesday evening with a few higher amounts at the
highest elevations. Note the western portions of the northern
Adirondacks was under a winter weather advisory and the eastern
portions of the northern Adirondacks were under a winter storm
warning...the entire area now is in a winter storm warning. The
snow will taper off in intensity as the day wears on, but will
continue to persist into Tuesday night. The Green Mountains will
see accumulating snow as well across the highest elevations,
but the dry slot will be moving into the area and should limit
the amount of precipitation on Tuesday, but will also produce
some freezing drizzle. Over the remainder of the area, primarily
the lower elevations, it will be on the messy side with a
rain/snow mix turning to snow for a period around the morning
commute and then changing back to snow. The Saint Lawrence
Valley could see 1 to 4 inches of snow, while the Champlain
Valley and lower elevations of Vermont see a dusting to two
inches and localized amounts to 3 inches. The area that could
see up to 3 inches would be over the northern Champlain Valley
where strongest frontogenetic forcing will exist from 09z to
15z. Eventually rain will mix back in or precipitation becomes
all rain at the lower elevations as the day wears on. Despite
the minor snow accumulations difficult travel is expected during
the morning commute.

The other aspect of this event will be strong winds. With the
surface low tracking more up across Vermont the potential for
strong winds and downsloping conditions will exist, first across
portions of southern Vermont and then over the Northeast Kingdom
of Vermont. A Wind Advisory is now in effect for these two areas
as wind gusts in the 45 to 55 mph range are expected. The area
in southern Vermont will be valid from midnight tonight to 9am
and the Northeast Kingdom will run from 4 am until Noon.

With the potential for heavy, wet snow and gusty winds isolated
to scattered power outages will be possible.


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I guess you could call this picture a changing of the guard.


The trees near the silo are still bare, the trees to the left are starting to leaf out, especially on the south side where they get the most light. And the tree between the buildings is fully leafed out. The front field is covered in snow and stubble, while the back field is dark green with its crop a foot high already. Spring is coming, but it's not got its act all together yet.

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I'm still a bit salty that in the dead of winter we get mid 20s and rain, and in spring we get mid 30s and snow. I'm starting to think those "sun angle" guys have it backwards.

Anyway, today was my brother's birthday, so since he got snow for his birthday I naturally expect snow for mine.

...My birthday is in July...

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