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April 18-19, 2022 | Spring "Winter" Storm


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3 hours ago, JDClapper said:

CTP is mostly like meh, Mountains.




Any of the times I’ve gotten snow so far this Februapril CTP has forecasted about half the amounts I’ve ended up receiving. So going by this I can expect 8”-12” lol

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12 hours ago, JDClapper said:

NAM is getting out of control. This is kuchera.. 10:1 is even more unbelievable. Seriously, it is literally unbelievable. If this happens, wow.


The NAM is trying way too hard for this one.


Either way, someone is going to get NAMed.

Edited by Iceresistance
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The BIG picture.

Good luck to you snow lovers over here, some areas looking pretty good.  We now have a MW/OV thread so I'll mosey over that way but check back here for pics.  Thanks for the hospitality.


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Crazy we have a WSW here on April 19th when it was 85F just a few days ago. Will see what happens. I am at 1500' so that will help my odds. NAM only model not fully on board. With lesser amounts and further west with snow.

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2 hours ago, HVSNOWSTORM said:

Crazy we have a WSW here on April 19th when it was 85F just a few days ago. Will see what happens. I am at 1500' so that will help my odds. NAM only model not fully on board. With lesser amounts and further west with snow.

Wow, 85° already?  I've yet to get into the 70s.

 Good luck, I might see a few flakes at onset, but that's probably best case, snow wise.


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12z RGEM.

No doubt someone with elevation is gonna get hammered, but I feel like NWS and locals are going a little too hard on elevation dependant forecasts if this hammers the way models are indicating. Some valley dwellers may be surprised if that pans out.

sn10_acc.us_ne (10).png

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Why cant this happen in winter... wouldnt be surprised to see some wet flakes mixed in. 850s still rather cool down this way but overall cold rain. I hope we continue the rain potential as it has been rather dry in normally the wettest time of the year. May set us up for nice NW flow potential later on but going to have to deal with some heat if this continues to be dry. W and SW flow at low levels is a precip killer in this region seems to have been the case most of the last half of march and early april thus far.

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Wish it was January 😭. I think I’ll see snow fall, doubt it will accumulate down here. 23.5 this morning when I left for work though, impressive cold air for mid April. 

Have fun NPA adding a few more inches to the lackluster year(below average I assume still)! 

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