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Sun Activity | Auroras


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Posted (edited)
43 minutes ago, Undertakerson2.0 said:

My problem with Aurora is that they only happen at night LOL. Even I am amazed at how quickly my energy fades once the sun disappears. 

We had some breaks around 9 last night - the moon smiled it's quarter phase at us and some stars even came out. Alas, the clouds were too much (and I was too wiped out from day long yard chores, to travel)

Give me a good day time event - like a solar eclipse! 😁

I'd buy a telescope and get more into astrophotography but I like to go to bed at 830.

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2 hours ago, Rush said:

I'd buy a telescope and get more into astrophotography but I like to go to bed at 830.

Ive got a better shot waking up at 2am vs staying up till 2am… 

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I'm going to head out into the woods and maybe get lucky. I'm new to timelapse video (which you will see in a moment) and figure I can get more practice no matter if the aurora is hard to see or if we're socked in with clouds. 

This solar event has been a really fun experience photographically and I've personally learned so much about what makes the northern lights viewable. The spaceweatherlive app has been invaluable. 

Bulb ramping is a foreign concept, but I will try my best to manually do that tonight and not get jarring exposure issues. Fun times!



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That sunspot 3664 just popped off an X8.7, strongest of the entire cycle, hopefully it's just as spunky when it rotates around in 12 days or so.


I'll add that it was way in the west limb, so probably won't have any effects associated with it.

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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, MaineJay said:

Kp of 6 and Bz is -10 currently. If it can stay, or even improve, a good vantage point and a camera would pick it up.

After missing the other night a little red on the horizon ain't waking me up.  We need an X10+ earth directed.

I'm accompanying my wife on a work trip up to Mont Tremblant in Quebec this fall for a few nights.  Hoping for some flaring then.

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3 hours ago, Rush said:

After missing the other night a little red on the horizon ain't waking me up.  We need an X10+ earth directed.

I'm accompanying my wife on a work trip up to Mont Tremblant in Quebec this fall for a few nights.  Hoping for some flaring then.

I think it was just shy of X6 for that last storm. If I remember correctly, Oct 2003 was a couple around X20, they produced similar Auroras I feel.  

 The earth directed pay is so key though, fall might be good around the equinox. Something about the magnetic field orientation increases effectiveness. 

  I'm curious to see how 3664 looks when it returns in a week and a half. It looks like it popped off a backside flare, but showed up on coronagraph.

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On 5/14/2024 at 5:47 PM, MaineJay said:

That sunspot 3664 just popped off an X8.7, strongest of the entire cycle, hopefully it's just as spunky when it rotates around in 12 days or so.


I'll add that it was way in the west limb, so probably won't have any effects associated with it.

Not even on the visible disc, and old 3664 registered an X2.8.  

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New moon on the 7th. We've have a couple X class flares the last day or so, though not sure any CME were associated.  Hoping for some more action the next few days while that sunspot group is pointing at earth.

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8 minutes ago, MaineJay said:

Another X1 flare, this one may have had a small CME.

Reading that there was a CME directed at Earth. June 4 arrival, but I'll be checking the night before as well.  

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