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  1. It’s amazing how much that myth persists. This had nightfall going for it as well. 2.5”-3” in Lewis Center, blustery.
  2. That would be almost an identical jackpot zone from a week. 😂 And, it’ll stick around for a day, I know the sun will do some work on it.
  3. I’m honestly surprised there’s no winter weather advisories up.
  4. How will the sun angle be?! 😉 This should be a fun little one!
  5. It looks like this map and not the other one you posted picked up the 8-10 dark orange spot in Delaware county that @Jeffro was in!
  6. It’s amazing seeing all the snow in the full day light with some nice mood flakes on top of it! ☃️☃️☃️☃️
  7. I mean we didn’t have an advisory until like 1pm! 😂
  8. PSA: Don’t forget to support this site! This is exactly why we all enjoy it so much! ☃️
  9. That’s crazy for the Northern Delaware county folks, congrats! I’m hoping you can end up with 8”+ when it’s all said and done!
  10. You’re NW Delaware county?! That’s impressive especially relative to virtually 0” showing up on the models through this point.
  11. This leading edge snow is essentially non-existent on the models on the eastern leading edge. This is 2pm.
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