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    Timberville, VA

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  1. Some of the folks in the south may laugh at "only" six inches, but much of that rain further north came in <12 hours (sometimes much less, like that 7 inches N. Delaware saw in 3 hours). Further south it was a multi-day affair. Down here we had four inches on top of wet ground, but it was spread over several days and little ran off. We saw little heavy rain, and the nearby river is about to crest basically right at the threshold for minor flooding. I saw the radar looked nasty in PA and upstate NY. That was a lot of rain in a short time.
  2. I think I had around 4 inches in South Boston, VA, but it was strung over 3-4 days. My parents just north of Harrisonburg, VA, had a little over 4", and most of that came last night. They needed all they could get though, because that 4" is probably more than they got the whole rest of the summer.
  3. Looks like a tornado headed towards Jamestown. Getting a little spicy in places even where the precip radar looks mostly empty.
  4. Radar indicates it's basically over here, and the very light snow still falling is pointing that way. We busted way low. I don't think any of the models had us under 1.5" and most were 3"+. NWS forecast was 2-5 (last map I saw was 4-5, but they had us at 2-3 earlier). We may have gotten 0.5". Lack of QPF, which was entirely expected. Moisture just doesn't make it across all the WV mountains and then suddenly drop into the Valley here. Kinda bummed, but not really surprised.
  5. Jump! Then there'll be at least one flake on the ground. 😛
  6. It's been snowing lightly with very fine flakes here for a bit, but at 40 degrees it doesn't even stick in the grass. Unless there is some sort of robust redevelopment, I can't see us reaching what Sterling is calling for us to get. Not even sure if we'll get the 2.5" that we'd need to tie our record for our largest snow of the winter.
  7. The radar is a lie. Been showing snow for awhile, but it's a virga-fest.
  8. I heard that my cousin in southern Illinois had thundersnow today. Had 4-5" of snow along with thunder and lightning!
  9. As an admitted snow weenie, my definition of "worst case" is significantly different than the NWS.
  10. Even down here where I live in Virginia, March is the month for big snowstorms. It doesn't necessarily happen that often, but every so many years we get a big snowstorm in March. It happens regularly enough that March is the month with the highest average snowfall (skewed by those big storms, as many years we get nothing). It's been a few years since we've seen a big one in March. Is it about time for another? Some of us can dream. 🙂
  11. Pretty much every one you've posted is a big red blob over the whole US. We've pretty much memorized it at this point. 😛
  12. Actually, our biggest snow was 2.5" on Jan 15-16. Really wouldn't take a lot to top that.
  13. I wouldn't expect much from a system like this. Generally not much moisture makes it over the WV mountains and it moves too quickly to accumulate much at rates that will probably average under 0.5"/hr. That said, I think our biggest snow this winter was only like 4 inches, so this could possibly challenge that.
  14. Do these centimeters make my digital snow totals look bigger? 😜
  15. Not all of the fuel burns immediately, especially at short range. Thus it lays on whatever you point the nozzle of flamethrower at and burns til all the fuel is consumed.
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