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    Reynoldsburg, Ohio

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Wind Advisory (6/14)

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  1. This would just be icing on the cake, for Ohio weather. No snow. Long, gray, slightly-not-cold enough winters, short summers... I'm becoming more and more disenchanted with the weather in my home state. Really think I need to move south.
  2. That velocity signal for the West Union tornado was pretty remarkable. Hopefully not too much damage down there. Scary image right here!
  3. That's wild! How do you get it to zoom into the region on the NOAA Storm Prediction Center site?
  4. Agreed. I pulled up Radarscope and my jaw dropped. Never seen a live radar return in my area quite as obviously dangerous.
  5. I haven’t measured yet but I’d say here in Reynoldsburg we’d be lucky to have gotten 4” total. I’ll measure in the morning. Maybe it’s the Columbus heat island effect or maybe the northern bands were what produced… Either way, I’m happy to see snow. Headed to Holiday Valley NY tomorrow evening to ski anyway and there’s plenty of snow there lol! Happy for you guys north of me! Never would have guessed, looking at the models 36 hours ago that the heaviest snow would be north of me!
  6. Snowfall rates are finally overcoming ground temps and sticking to roadways here on the east side of Columbus. Really ripping right now. Been too long since I’ve seen snow like this!
  7. Thanks for that link. I know the ILN page but have never looked at the "events" page. Good info there! I took each event and added up snowfall totals for my location as best as I could by taking nearby totals and making logical estimations. My location is east of Columbus and far-West Licking County. Here are the yearly totals I got. Keep in mind this isn't seasonal, but annual. The annual average for Columbus, Ohio is 28 inches, over the last 30 years. (1991 to 2020). 2019: 21 inches 2020: 11 inches 2021: 8.5 inches 2022: 12 inches 2023: 3 inches 2024: 1.5 inches FWIW and totally not all that relevant (other than to make my original point about my daughter's birth), 3 storms in 2019 happened before she was born in February and therefore subtracts 11.5 inches from the 2019 total for a total of 10. Lol So during my 5 year old daughter's entire lifetime, she's experienced 46 inches worth of snow. That's less than 2 AVERAGE years worth. Not even "snowy" years. This definitely helps to confirm my thoughts that, at least for me, this snow drought has been long and miserable. At least now I know who to blame though.... don't ever have kids! Hahaha!
  8. A White Christmas IN OHIO shouldn't be some mythical unicorn that happens every once in a lifetime. I know this year and last year were bad. But my daughter is turning 5 at the end of the week and I truly feel like we haven't had a good snow in her lifetime. Maybe I'm misremembering but I feel like the last 5 winters or so have been significantly lower than average. in terms of snowfall.
  9. I was making a joke, lol. Hard to interpret severe cynicism in text. 😂
  10. What’s the GEM? Is that our snowfall totals for the entire 2023/2024 season?
  11. Intense snowfall down here today! I’d say blizzard conditions existed on the west slope for at least 12 hours and is ongoing. Just an amazing event here in the mountains! Looking forward to a powder day tomorrow and maybe a little less wind. Glad we got a few inches at home too! C97A8242-FFE3-4506-BBAF-F9906584BD16.MOV 9763517C-1931-4BC1-9896-9E78A289C2AF.MOV
  12. I have to say, been watching this one since Monday-ish. I’m cautiously optimistic that the models did pretty well with this one from the start. Hope I’m not jinxing things, but even better, 6-12 inches forecast for our ski trip has held pretty steady too. For there to be one storm this season to not fall apart, this is the perfect one. Fingers crossed!
  13. Great advice! I’ll be with him but I’m leaving tomorrow night and getting there a day early. Looking forward to the pow day on Friday!
  14. 06 NAM looking a little stronger, to my untrained eye.
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