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PA road DAWG

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  1. No real blocking in place. This has high latitudes written all over it
  2. Fly out of Avoca airport near Scranton. It doesn’t snow there. Hasn’t since 2017.
  3. Hahaha. im here. Painful. But Im here. Poconos have close to 10”.
  4. Man…..this one is going to hurt for a while. Here I am thinking places just to my NW are a lock for 12”+ and it shifts to drastically and deamps to our SE. I honestly have seen anything like this in quite some time. All within 24-36 hours too
  5. I cannot believe this is happening. This may be worse than 2016. Latest runs now show zero snow
  6. @JDClapper This is becoming a very painful one to watch unfold for our areas. Cant believe it happened to close to the start
  7. This is crazy. Yesterday I was worried about mixing and being too far SE. now today I’m worried about getting qpf
  8. Confluence and subsidence killing the northwestern flank
  9. He does love the euro. Nothing wrong w that
  10. I wake up to the euro going completely off the grid south. wtf is this nonsense lol
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