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  1. I guess the word is out! https://share.newsbreak.com/6jf2lliv
  2. Imagine that . NAO shows up late March into April, as always. Really looking forward to 4 days of rain, wrapped up by a cutoff upper level low, just to hold in the below normal temps, just in case i haven’t completely slit my wrists. Welcome to 2024, where endless clouds and doom rule. Fear not, summer is coming. Looking forward to smoke filled summer skies. - Negative post of the year nominee right there. Enjoy your snow, ya freaks 😀😀
  3. And really happy for ski resorts and skiers. Dump city up there, which is really cool.
  4. They went sun angle😀. Dang this has power outages written all over it. Good luck bud.
  5. Omg, you guys are the best! My son and my wife are heading north for this, weather permitting. This is awesome!
  6. I would like to go on record as stating that i have no fackin idea what thread i am posting in. I guess i posted about the backside of this storm and the feared outages- we lost power at work today , on the daily thread. Thought i was posting here. I AM A TOOL. I get when i was confused by the 4 storm threads kinda overlapping around end of January. Head was on a swivel. Now? We got one storm thread, and daily obs thread that has been there 4 ‘eva. So not REAL hard following along, dhead. I apologize for my transgressions. It will not happen again. Except it will 👀👀. I am rolling with i have a lot goin’ on.
  7. Rain that far north? Unbelievable. And a lot of it apparently. if it makes you feel any better ( it won’t), southern end of this puker was around 1.5 inches here, and now heavy drizzle and windy, followed by colder , snow shower, and 40-50 gusts. Oh yea, on top of saturated ground. Saturated branches. What could possibly go wrong. This storm can let the door hit it in the arss whenever it wants.
  8. Man has this picture changed from the start of this. It was never, ever snow till real far north, but geez the coastal track is a lot more northwest than progged also.
  9. I swear i see some sleet pellets mixing in. Actually i do. At 41! Reminds me of the old days in March, when its a swing and a miss here, and then MJ would post his dogs playing in the snow the next day. That was pretty cool. This should help ski resorts way up there hang on 👍👍👍
  10. Great post bud. Canada sucked from the start, and yea there sure was thoughts of an Aleutian low helping things in the east this winter. The lack of that, or it not positioned properly is just a killer for for good snow pattern here. Too much to overcome. I keep going back to that growing warm pool thing.
  11. C’mon you guys up north, get some snows! And post pics. Man, the winds behind this storm are brutal- for 2 days!!
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