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  1. Goes negative at 228 - would be a good hit for Downeast Maine and the Maritimes.
  2. I'm here for one more ride... who will join me? GFS and Euro showing something at this point. Could be a cutter with some FROPA snow after.
  3. Good week around here for those who don’t like snow shoveling. Nothing stuck to the roads or sidewalk with either system. My guess is that’s a reflection of both systems occurring after days with full late-winter sun where the heat of the day is retained longer in addition to moderate in-event temps. It’s fluffy snow here for sure though. Roughly 2” or so. Bit of a disappointment but the radar was clearly favoring our north when I went to bed last night. Fourth system under 5” this year. Nickle and diming our way to the average.
  4. For the 15th thread but looks like today’s clipper system could incorporate some squall activity later today W to E across PA.
  5. I think the Euro is going to be dead on here. 4.5” or so. We’ve got at least 3” at this point. It honestly may have been more but it’s extremely compacted at this point. Very happy with this. Wasn’t expecting anything two days ago.
  6. Eyeballing an inch up here in East Falls. Roads are completely covered. It’s wet, but still coming down.
  7. It’ll come. Keep the faith. It was a rough past few years up this way too.
  8. There was a fight for awhile. Transitioning to wet snow now. Down to 33 degrees
  9. UT, how long did that take to start sticking out your way?
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