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About NKYSnowLover

  • Birthday March 24

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    Florence, Kentucky

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  1. https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/md0981.html Upgrade to Moderate for SE MO, SW KY coming
  2. Downtown Cincy - sun is already coming in and out of the clouds again after the recent round of showers.
  3. I fully expect a cutter within the next 48-72 hours because everything is always a cutter (sarcasm)
  4. Seriously, God bless them and I hope no one started to come out after the first one. The same area is about to take another hit.
  5. RAIN BULLSEYE! Never fails for winter fans. The bullseye we almost always get and never want to see 😆
  6. Less than 10 months until next met winter. Might as well get the jump on a new thread.😉 Few certainties for winter 23/24 - all of which I believe happened in 21/22 and 22/23, so let's recycle them again: 1. It'll be cold in some parts of the country, it'll be warm in others and even some will just be normal. But with certainty, the CFS (NEW FOR 23/24: and now NAEFS) will bathe us all in oranges and reds. 2. It'll snow... somewhere. It'll rain... everywhere. It'll ice... hopefully no where 3. There will be no less than 3 major mental breakdowns in the Wx community AND 3 faux calls for SSW's that'll drop a tropospheric PV so hard that Florida will be wishing "The Day After Tomorrow" scenario was the outcome vs. the forecast. Additionally, a group of people will consider waving the "white flag" by Thanksgiving due to bad vibes on the weekly temp/precip and/or extended MJO outlooks. 4. 80% or more of winter forecasts made in Sept./Oct. will show a cold east / warm west look. Almost all of those will show at least part of the I-95 NE urban corridor as getting above normal snowfall. At least 1 map will show a top 5 snowfall prediction for NYC. 5. The truth is no one really knows what'll happen, but that's what makes it fun and exciting! Carry on with the thoughts, ideas and discussion!
  7. Summarization of the NAEFS for anyone east of the Mississippi (except for an occasional stretch of days)
  8. As someone with 28 years experience living in Virginia (around Richmond before moving to the Midwest), I can strongly confirm that winter will suck for those there at least 75% of the winter seasons no matter what the setup is. Virginia is NOT for winter lovers despite the welcome sign that says it's for lovers.
  9. Ta da 🙂 In order for it to be colorized, one of the three categories (above, near normal or below) must have a 50%+ probability. If let's say there is a 33% chance of below, a 33% chance of near normal and a 34% chance of above... Then that area would be white since no category meets the 50%+ threshold.
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