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    Ashville, OH

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  1. Watching Brandon’s live feed on YouTube. He stated, “Homes are missing.” in Barnsdall.
  2. Yeah haven’t seen much publicity on this in OH. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. I feel like I’m the only person in Ohio that’s watching this lol… maybe I’m missing something.
  4. I’m fearful you’re right. I was hopeful this convection would be the stabilizing factor we needed to calm things down.
  5. Would be welcome news if it plays out that way and doesn’t catch KY off guard.
  6. Yeah HRRR that @snowlover2 posted looks sloppy, which I’m cool with. I don’t like seeing the threat shift anywhere tbh.
  7. Not quite as extreme for Ohio as 12z HRRR. Hoping others follow suit.
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