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    Midland, MI

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  1. Just went out to shovel again. Maybe another 2.5", super heavy wet snow. Had two pretty big limbs hanging against our car. Snow has died down entirely. Looks like we might get one more band tonight.
  2. I gotta say I am extremely bummed tho. This is not the storm the OV folks thought we were getting. Not even close.
  3. Thankfully winds have been relatively calm here - nothing like they were predicted. Some gusts early on but since then maybe 10-15 MPG sustained.
  4. 9PM update. These branches are usually 8-10 feet off the ground. Extremely heavy snow. Listening to the police scanner. Trees down everywhere over the county on power lines and blocking roads. A few degrees cooler and we’d be looking at a foot of snow but ratios just kept down.
  5. it's always tough with a somewhat lack of cold air. If we had temps 5 degrees cooler we would have a foot of snow on the ground with insane ratios. Unfortunately our temp here is sitting right around freezing so we just never saw the ratios they were predicting.
  6. lol they have lowered forecasted totals significantly. As of 6PM, NWS has us down in the 6-8" range now. For the last 24+ hours we were on the edge of the 8-12" range. I think if we hit 6" we will be lucky.
  7. Official measurement - 3.5" in a little over 4 hours. I think total bust here unless we start seeing 1"/hr rates over the next few hours.
  8. Just went out and shoveled around the cars a little. About 3" on the ground. Again, super heavy, wet, sloppy snow. They were predicting fluffier snow this storm but that is not the case at all. I don't think we will come close to the 6-10" they are predicting IMBY but I hope I'm wrong. I think on the high end we top out at 6" if we are lucky.
  9. Wind has been up and down here. Pretty calm at the moment. Looks like things will be ramping up here in the next couple of hours.
  10. Really coming down here now. About 2.5” on the ground. Here’s a before/current and my makeshift snow measuring stick lol
  11. Not a flake here yet. Every school closed today lol anyway here’s the calm before the storm.
  12. Well, looks like I'm going to take a direct hit from this one. Definitely excited. Local mets comparing it to the 2011 blizzard we had here. Yesterdays day was basically a bust IMBY.
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