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    Williamsport, MD

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  1. I love the streetlight (alley) snow shot. Wish I would have seen more of this all winter. from Williamsport MD
  2. I’ll let you all read the long term tea leaves, but if we can get a big ripper before spring sets in there would be a lot of happy people in here. Let’s go!
  3. MDBlueridge is like, cover, what cover? We don’t need no stinkn’ cover. Wind up on your hill blow that lid open too! 😂
  4. The two storms this week are a good reminder that with each storm there is likely to be some surprises, good or bad, despite the best efforts of forecasting (Mets, models, etc.) The storm earlier in the week looked like the snow was going to miss my area to the north, yet we ended up with a few inches of snow. Last night’s storm looked like we were definitely going to cash in, yet this morning there isn’t all that much to show for it. Reminder to self; never prematurely throw in the towel but also, never get overly confident and count your chickens before they hatch. Enjoy it if you got it! If you didn’t get what you wanted, have hope that the next one might just be for you.
  5. My heated walkway and driveway are working well this morning! Kidding, they’re not heated. Whatever little snow accumulated on paved surfaces is gone or never happened. So if I have nothing to shovel, does it count as a snowstorm? 😂 I’m definitely in the “no” column on that one.
  6. 1.5 snow total here in Williamsport MD. NWS had most of northern MD in 5-8 so we under performed on this one. Still looks pretty. I kept my expectations low but geez I didn’t know I needed to keep them this low, lol. It happens. But hey, our friends to the north in parts of PA really cashed in, congrats!
  7. Started snowing about 45 minutes ago in Williamsport MD. Really coming down now.
  8. 11:00 and nothing falling from sky yet in Williamsport MD. Playing the waiting game while watching the radar returns.
  9. Rush, every time I go back to the NWS page to check on expected snowfall it gets better and better, wow. I always set my expectations on the low end so even 4-5 inches would be fantastic, 8 inches, geez I'd be giddy! A good hit for the MD-Northern VA folks.
  10. Good question. I remember him but don't recall seeing him in the forums this winter. I believe he was in the Blue Knob area of PA.
  11. Wtkidz, it looks like you are in line for a couple of inches, correct? Really hoping for your sake you get some.
  12. NWS has literally been increasing the expected snow totals inch by inch the past 24 hours for north-central MD. Winter storm warning now calling for 4-8. If we get 4 inches out of a fast moving clipper that’s a great day. Over 4 inches will bonus time! If you are in the path of this one, good luck, enjoy. If not, let’s hope next one has your name on it.
  13. I’ll take it MDBlueridge! Looks like you could do well again up on your hill.
  14. My first look outside here in Williamsport, MD at 5:15 AM
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