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Rush last won the day on May 12

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    Middletown, MD

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  1. I saw some photos from VA last night. I am at the beach this week. After missing the last event it's kp9 or bust.
  2. No tornado watches, no mention in the discussion. Yet might be the worst one in the state in a decade.
  3. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-great-solar-storm-of-2024-may-have-made-the-strongest-auroras-in/ Kill me.
  4. After missing the other night a little red on the horizon ain't waking me up. We need an X10+ earth directed. I'm accompanying my wife on a work trip up to Mont Tremblant in Quebec this fall for a few nights. Hoping for some flaring then.
  5. I'd buy a telescope and get more into astrophotography but I like to go to bed at 830.
  6. The next two CMEs should reach earth midday today. Hoping for tonight.
  7. I'm going to bed. My phone will wake me if it improves.
  8. Tornado warning near Hancock right now. That's where I was going to drive if the solar activity looked better.
  9. Backside of this front looks decent. Sun is coming out here.
  10. Kp of 7 now. Needs to come back
  11. Looking at these cloud forecast after the fiasco last month is giving me a headache.
  12. I'm going to watch things today. May drive towards Western MD or even down to Spruce Knobb after dinner tonight.
  13. Nice shots. I was disappointed with my shots both times I had the opportunity to photograph the northern lights. Hard to practice on something so rare.
  14. The eclipse and now this. What a bummer. This upsets me more than the eclipse. Once in a lifetime event.
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