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  1. El Nino winters usually suck for us snow lovers around here so I'm not at all surprised by how this season has played out. I was expecting this season to be a lousy one and it lived up to my expectations lol. With La Nina returning, one can only hope next winter should fair better around here. What we really don't need is a pattern change sometime in March where we get stuck in a cold/wintry pattern that lasts well into spring. Also, developing La Nina summers are usually good for us here (1998, 2007, 2010, 2016 and 2020). All of them were hot, dry summers for the region.
  2. I wouldn't mind winter just ending as we get into March. This has been an abysmal season here which was expected due to El Nino. What I fear is the pattern will flip at some point and we'll be stuck with cold and snow well into April/May.
  3. Nah those aren't actual amounts but it does show a colder trend, at least on that particular run. I'm plenty far away from the lake so not too worried about mixing unless this pulls further west.
  4. What is this madness? Are they seeing something other models aren't?
  5. Blah, looks like more rain creeping into my area depending on which model run you believe. Need a big push SE over Lake Erie or this will be a big let down.
  6. At this point you gotta live in Northern Canada to get consistently cold and snowy winters. Gonna take a lot of climate change to make them snowless 😉
  7. Lots of potential for my area from this one. Anxiously watching over the next few days.
  8. I can understand weather affecting people and not just snow lovers. Even just the lack of sunshine and dreariness can get the best of us as well. Sure we can't control the weather but it can still have a major impact on our moods and psychology. That's why I'm not surprised to see some get worked up about it from time to time.
  9. I'm sure wintry weather will come later in the season. Even the mildest El Nino winters gave us some wintry stretches, especially later in the season. I sincerely hope we won't pay for all this warmth come Spring though. El Nino can be hit or miss for my area when it comes to Spring weather. We've had glorious ones (2010) and horrific ones (2019).
  10. This warmth is par for the course in El Nino winters around here. No surprise with how this winter has unfolded so far. I'm sure the wintry weather will come later in the season though. I'm just hoping beyond hope that it doesn't extend into another miserable Spring.
  11. Literally every year it's the same bull****! 😡😠 Just give me some sunshine with those cool temps so I can at least not lose my mind...😭
  12. EXACTLY! Pattern flip waits until March to show up just when we're all getting antsy for spring 🙄
  13. For the few Canadians on this forum, lets see if we can get our own discussion going on this upcoming system.
  14. I sincerely hope we're not gonna pay for all this Winter warmth with another cold and dreary Spring for the great lakes.
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