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About TheComet

  • Birthday May 31

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    Long Pond, PA (elevation 1900F)

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  1. That's be sweet. It's been eons since I've seen a La Nada winter.
  2. Cold chasing rain, similar story of winters past in Mid Atl
  3. Dang, have to be on top of Mt Everest to get snow in winter.
  4. You know, in IT as a Software Engineer I work a lot with a tool called Maven, by the Apache Organization. It's a framework used to manage package dependency and the build life cycle of Java enterprise applications. Yet I never bothered to look up the word "maven" in the dictionary. I should mention that English is my second language, and my native tongue is Spanish, so I'm constantly looking to improve my English vocabulary. But you sir definitely have good command of English, so I agree you're a language maven. Cheers:
  5. 100% agree. Didn't realize it's still 6+ days out, which can be considered light years away in the context of the gfs LOL
  6. 24F skies clearing, 5" f very fluffy stuff super easy to shovel. Snow pack is around 15" including last storm.
  7. Hi we’re in Rio de Janeiro right now until Friday. I heard MBY will get clobbered 😂. Nothing better than to come home to a snowed in driveway after summer in the southern hemisphere and temps in mid 90’s
  8. As MaineJay pointed out it's all the upstream interactions and subtle changes have implications downstream.
  9. For those that have trouble finding it. Took me a while, that's the head:
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