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About BigMirg

  • Birthday 08/22/1984

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    Blue Knob Mtn PA. 2800’ Elevation

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  1. It appears they had complaints on that fact. Revised map. The Blue Knob dot is tiny. Lol.
  2. Still snowing off and on. Picked up and addition 2” Of pile whitening. final observation map from CTP. Find Blue Knob lol.
  3. That was the worst the roads have been when I’ve been here. Something about spring snow seems slicker than winter. I think it has to do with the layer of water underneath the snow since the ground isn’t frozen. I bout bit it twice coming up Knob Rd around 12. It deteriorated rapidly after that. Lucky to get home when I did.
  4. Snowing again. Appears the upslope machine has kicked on....
  5. Yeah I’m done. Nothing falling. Maybe a trace since last measurement. Luckily no candy coating. It tried to mix in briefly but snow kept winning today.
  6. 8.2” 28° sleet snow zr mix with freezing fog. The mountain wonders.
  7. Hearing every road up the mountain was closed out of Altoona. Like 7 different roads.
  8. Anyone tell me based on modeling when the snow will stop CPA?
  9. 7” Now.... measurments- onset 10:30 12:30- 2” 2:00- 4” 2:30- 5” 4:30- 7” 7” in 6 hours and just a WWA.....
  10. Was referring to models unless you means the ones posted.
  11. 5” on the ground. 1” since 2:00pm. Hammer time. April Is putting February to shame.
  12. Second hardest snow this year next to the super squall in February. IMG_5770.MOV
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