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About Michelle

  • Birthday April 13

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  • Location
    Xenia, Ohio

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  1. I’m glad to hear you are all okay up North. Rough night and this is why I hate tornadoes so much.
  2. Yes!! But here’s the official snow ruler…
  3. I took the average of 10 readings around my property to get 4.5 inches. It also happens to match my Y’all-O-Meter. Lol
  4. Thunder and lightning currently in Xenia! I agree, it scared the crap out of us, too!
  5. I don’t see the updated ILN map on their page…where can i find it to share?
  6. I wish that band would move north to Xenia instead of NE!
  7. I turned in .01” melted precipitation to CoCoRaHS earlier. It was snowing bigger flakes 45 min ago. Hard to tell attm because of sunrise.
  8. My peak gust was 13.6mph during that storm with .75" of rain and a little bit more on the way. Tons of lightening, though.
  9. Thank you! Finally found it on Twitter. Just wasn't sure where it was.
  10. Thanks....I was looking for wording since they said it was more stable than thought. This weather stuff is confusing at times. 😉 I didn't realize it was a sounding.
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