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  1. Wow. I can’t imagine 4”/hr that’s insane. also. Of course I’m out of town during the storm that’s finally hitting my neighborhood -_-
  2. I don’t know whether to be happy or sad that I’m currently in Orlando and it’s 85 degrees. 😄 come to think of it, I don’t really mind missing out on this one given the circumstances..although we’re supposed to fly back Saturday night. Wondering if we might be delayed a day.
  3. Been dumping ice pellets since about 4pm. No accumulation besides the maybe 2 inches we picked up before the change over. Roads are slick and slushy from what I’ve heard. Seems like this storm is going to be a major bust around this area. We most likely won’t hit the low end of the forecast. 😞
  4. Sheesh! Sounds rough out there! up in southern Sanilac county we had about 1.5 inches of snow then it changed to ice pellets and accumulation stopped. DTX upgraded WSW totals to 6-9”. I don’t see any way that’s possible.I don’t even see us hitting 4
  5. snowing decently in the thumb since 12:30p but only a dusting so far. I have a feeling the mid-thumb is going to underperform. Way up north near Bad Axe and Port Austin will probably fair really well, as they usually do!
  6. DTX goes Warnings for the northern portion of CWA and Ice Storm Warnings for a good chunk of the Metro on west. Northern Tier (my county northward) with the 3-8" forecast + .1-.2 tenths of an inch of ice. Southward counties in WSW saying 2-4" and .1-.3 tenths of an inch of ice. Ice storm counties looking at .2 tenths to a half inch of ice! 😬
  7. Ran up to the store a bit ago - cold and crappy out. The older I get the more I dislike the winter time. Thank God for youtube on my living room TV so I can watch 4k drone footage of tropical beaches with ambient relaxing music lol
  8. Wow. Why even issue a storm watch for that? I understand there’s potential for freezing rain but their other graphic says .01-.1 inch of icing. Seems like their forecast is less than their warning criteria.although I’m not sure what ice accretion criteria is for a warning..
  9. DTX Hoists WSWatches for most of SEMI - Watches for Lapeer county southward mention heavy icing - counties north of 69 - possibility of heavy snow and significant icing - Mum on detailed amounts
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