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NWOhioChaser last won the day on September 2

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About NWOhioChaser

  • Birthday 01/31/1990

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    Toledo, OH

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  1. It packed quite a punch there. Hearing of many people losing limbs and some small shrubs. A few downed lines even toward Bowling Green.
  2. One more because the backend was just breathtaking.
  3. Nice storm moved through just now. Lots of lightning with these cells. Winds between 50-55mph, and a quick inch of rain. Clouds looked really ominous with the front coming through. And the rain cooled air feels fantastic! From 93 to 78 in 25 mins!
  4. This was the leading edge of the shelf cloud from the supercell that tracked from the Benton Harbor area down towards Lucas County as it came through Fulton and only about 4 miles from my house. A lot of rotation at times but thankfully haven’t heard of any touchdowns from the storm. It was significantly weaker by the time it tracked into Ohio but did have its flare ups. It was a shame that the IWX radar site was still down at the time of the event, because I don’t think I got a viable scan of the gate to gate velocity. Heavy rain(1.13” in 40 mins.) and got a high wind gust of 54 mph at the time of passage. Few good CTG strikes in the field beyond. Damn good storm. animated.mov
  5. There might be one on the ground with this one…no reports yet
  6. Mean looking supercell in SW Michigan this morning. Tor warned.
  7. Talk about hitting a brick wall. Betty has moved 90 miles in the last 12 hours.
  8. If she had another 12-18 hours over water I’d think we’d be looking at a different situation. People are going to be caught off guard since it only achieved Cat 1 status and underestimate the amount of rainfall and surge.
  9. Debby is currently making landfall near the Horseshoe Beach/Steinhatchee area.
  10. Well, surprise surprise. Another RI hurricane in bath water along the coast. Next 12-18 hours should be really interesting.
  11. Just not enough time out on open water along with lots of land interaction maybe? Biggest story will be the flooding rains.
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