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MaineJay last won the day on January 23 2023

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    Raymond, ME elev. 682'

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  1. Updated NRL website has added much more satellite data. https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/tcweb/active/?
  2. Reading that there was a CME directed at Earth. June 4 arrival, but I'll be checking the night before as well.
  3. Another X1 flare, this one may have had a small CME.
  4. New moon on the 7th. We've have a couple X class flares the last day or so, though not sure any CME were associated. Hoping for some more action the next few days while that sunspot group is pointing at earth.
  5. Not even on the visible disc, and old 3664 registered an X2.8.
  6. I think it was just shy of X6 for that last storm. If I remember correctly, Oct 2003 was a couple around X20, they produced similar Auroras I feel. The earth directed pay is so key though, fall might be good around the equinox. Something about the magnetic field orientation increases effectiveness. I'm curious to see how 3664 looks when it returns in a week and a half. It looks like it popped off a backside flare, but showed up on coronagraph.
  7. Kp of 6 and Bz is -10 currently. If it can stay, or even improve, a good vantage point and a camera would pick it up.
  8. New sunspot rotating onto the visible disc with an X2.9. Probably not geo effective, but it'll be pointing at us soon.
  9. That sunspot 3664 just popped off an X8.7, strongest of the entire cycle, hopefully it's just as spunky when it rotates around in 12 days or so. I'll add that it was way in the west limb, so probably won't have any effects associated with it.
  10. Too many clouds here, and they don't really look like the kind that'll dissipate.
  11. Need to see that Kp jump, Bz looks like it's gone a little negative.
  12. Just because it's been 20 years since anything like this
  13. From SIDC Latest Alerts Presto 2024-05-11 Geomagnetic conditions reached extreme storm levels (K_Bel=9) locally over Belgium from 11:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC on May 11, and it is currently at major storm levels (K_Bel=7). Major to extreme storm levels are expected to continue in the coming days. https://www.sidc.be/
  14. Pretty sure these bumped up from last I checked.
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