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  1. Yeah this line is looking really healthy, as someone posted above we had almost zero precipitation this morning which is a contrast with how the week has gone for the most part. HRRR and other short term models are showing some development north of the current TStorm watch. I'll be interested to see if this comes to be and if the watch will be expanded.
  2. Definitely has my eye, hoping for a change in the models and we get an OTS trend.
  3. Man you weren't kidding. Great read though, a lot of detail there.
  4. About 2 miles according to radar scope measurement. Surprised it’s still online!
  5. Woof, just updated to PDS warning, that escalated quickly.
  6. Just updated as observed as I was posting.
  7. One of the more impressive signatures of the day passing into Indiana just west of Evansville. No confirmation yet in warning text.
  8. New tornado watch just issued until midnight eastern. Pretty impressive probabilities for low end tornados included.
  9. There’s still some really cold cloud tops mixed in for how disorganized it’s looking. Hopefully it continues to weaken with the shear ahead
  10. You can really see how intense that eastern eye wall is with the cloud tops. Impressive storm to say the least.
  11. Several cells exploding across Missouri, here we go again!
  12. Not surprised on the upgrade. There’s a brief couple hour window of discrete activity showing on several models before things go linear quickly. Will be interesting to see how long they can stay discrete.
  13. Great view from the terminal radar. . animated.mov
  14. I still think we need to watch how the next few hours unfold and how far north the line sets up. HRRR still struggling with the current system, it doesn’t have it moving out of my area until 5 and it’s basically done raining here already.
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