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  1. Had a little snow luck this early afternoon, as a thin narrow band of moderate snow sat over my neighborhood long enough to bring a little over a half an inch or so. No more than 5 miles north or south of me in either direction, there is nothing.
  2. At least from my observations, snow cover seems to usually do little if anything to prevent a temp surge with a strong southern push coming through.
  3. Right, though it's par for the course with how this winter has gone. I will happily take the three inches that is showing as a big win for me with how this winter is going
  4. We ended up with nearly a half inch here in Pittsburgh as well. Wasn't really expecting any accumulation yesterday.
  5. The high today in Miami was only 50°. Not only was that the coldest Christmas high they've ever had, it was also their coldest daily high since January of 2010. I'm sure every snow lover in between Washington DC and i-80 misses the glory of that winter.
  6. Most of the land mass of the country had a White Christmas this year. Not a deep cover in a lot of places but it still counts. Here in Pittsburgh we set a new record low for a high on Christmas Eve yesterday of 12.
  7. Back when I was in college and high school, I worked part-time at a supermarket, so he expressed the same thoughts I had every time people came in before there was a snow event lol.
  8. For those of you still enjoying the warmth of today, I present you once in a generation early to mid afternoon cold in Pittsburgh.
  9. Your college friend is my new favorite on TV meteorologist because of this clip of him I just found.
  10. Probably an inch and a half to maybe 2 inches we've gotten here in Pittsburgh. Still snowing a little, but the heaviest is definitely done, and I have a feeling what's left should wrap up by 10. Next thing is hoping to not lose power
  11. I hope this Penguins game isn't a sign for the snow in Pittsburgh. They lost in overtime.
  12. So close yet so far away. Kind of frustrating. I don't get why those heavier returns won't move east after a certain point.
  13. Again with these stupid models and the stupid illogical snow hole. There's not going to be 4 inches in Butler and 6 in just over in Eastern Ohio, but only two here. The Pittsburgh NWS has though introduced parts of Allegheny County getting 2 to 3 inches.
  14. Unless they're towards like Rockford, they should still pick up a little more, but it seems like as models have given areas in Illinois less snow, they've given us more
  15. I agree it's highly unlikely that places away from a good lake fetch will get to those totals, but your accumulation struggles also give credulence to the last minute model trends which have shown lighter snow totals in Illinois and Indiana and greater ones through Ohio and PA.
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