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  1. North side of MSP received 6.9" last night. They upgraded from a WWA to WSW. Feeling more confident they will surpass Chicago before season ends
  2. I would agree the cold air arrival may not be there in time the further SE this tracks. If pattern change includes a more +PNA, -AO, -NAO then would favor the weather madness depiction in the long range for snow chances. My area would be in NW flow looking for a clipper or as they say on Americanwx "CAD purgatory"
  3. Think a wrapped up system cutting to the Western Lakes is unlikely at this point. A southern slider OTS or system affecting the OV seems plausible
  4. 12Z Euro and CMC look similar to Jan 11-13th system as far as track. GFS not having it
  5. Yeah very little consensus for a strong organized system at this point. Just trying to breathe some life into this thread.lol
  6. From LOT AFD: pressed south by blocking over central NOAM, we`ll have an exceptionally long period of benign weather with surface high pressure predominating through mid next week. Winds will be generally from the northeast, resulting in rare winter time "cooler near the lake" conditions lakeside amidst otherwise well above normal temperatures in the 40s (with upside potential pending sky cover trends). Next chance of precipitation will come beyond day 7. The tendency during this stretch will be to wonder if "winter is over", though consistent long range ensemble guidance has been pointing toward the return of a more wintry pattern (western ridging and eastern troughing with high latitude blocking establishing), at least temperature wise, toward Valentine`s Day. Castro
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