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  1. That is an extremely narrow snowstorm. If you get it, it's like throwing three bullseye!
  2. Given the air temps/sun angle, definately a favorable time of day for snow in most of Ohio.
  3. Curious if Buffalo is the snowiest populated city on the planet at over 275k people. I understand there are remote place that get a ton of snow, but this is definitely an anomaly having a large population center get buried under feet of snow every year.
  4. Meaning that it would track further south and east? Asking for a friend 😄!
  5. Good Luck! I'm not in on this one. I'm in Northeast Medina County.
  6. From a long range standpoint, I feel like the GFS has been pretty solid this year. At least sniffing out the storm. In the shorter range not so much.
  7. Definitely not a storm for the ages, but gave us something to do. Probably would've been more fun for folks had it been an over-achiever for something advertised as a general 2-4" event. In any event, at least SE Michigan got in on some action!
  8. I'd say because it's gonna be during daylight hours, Temps are marginal, so roads will most likely be wet.
  9. This is probably the exact track it'll take. Models are pretty strong within 250 hours...
  10. Ha! We got about an inch or 2 overnight last night, and I was gonna post that pic earlier when I got home from the gym. But had to make the kids lunches, wake them up 15 times, listen to complaining, blah, blah. Then just flurries all day. It wasn't until about 4pm when it really started up. Still going really good. Probably the hardest since it started. Pretty good for a boring winter!
  11. Lol the shot above was from 6am this morning. Not sure why it attached. Thank God thats all that attached 😆
  12. We've been getting hit pretty good in Medina since about 4pm. Very steady snow. Eyeballing over 4". Close to 5.
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