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    Detroit Beach, MI

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  1. Roads are pretty messy north and west of Detroit this morning.
  2. Local mets are saying an inch or less of slush. Meh.
  3. Lots of flooding around these parts today so I'd be happy with no precipitation for a few days.
  4. With the lack of cold air, not expecting much of anything from this system. Anything that would fall is likely to be wet, low ratio snow that would end up being a slop fest.
  5. Untreated surfaces were pretty slick this morning, otherwise things were wet. All the school closings seemed a bit overblown to me, but we live in the age of CYA so I get it.
  6. Just a tick under 31 here at the moment. Feels warmer than that outside. Perhaps it's just because of the recent arctic outbreak. Temps will probably drop a bit in most areas once precip begins due to dynamic cooling and temps hit wet bulb.
  7. Decent icing taking place across the Tulsa area this evening. Reports of accidents and pedestrians slipping and falling downtown.
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