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    Columbus, OH

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  1. I haven't commented on the earlier season's SUCK 2.0, but being a bit more objective. We are very quick to say "no way" (deservingly so) when the models show snow and quick to assume they're right when they show next to nothing. I'm going to go out on a limb here in Columbus and say, this is a rare case of the latter and the model being WRONG. The second wave is pretty much the benchmark track and we have the cold air in place. Something just isn't right with how the models are representing the lack of interaction. Maybe it has something to do with cold dry air and how light the precipitation wll be, but I'm going to will the damn radar to fill in! Also, if for any reason I see ONE, JUST ONE pellet of sleet during this event, you can find me playing frogger on I-71!
  2. I'll bite...as cold as it's going to be, this could be a nice little event. There's something brewing on a few models immediately after this time period too, but let's get our 2" first.
  3. Don't worry gang...I have what you need!!!
  4. I love that both Columbus, IN and Columbus, OH are in the rain...not really. Did the sleet last more than an hour in Cbus, OH, I've been in work calls all morning and need to know if I need to go outside and eat sleet. Congrats to our Indiana/MI folks, you certainly deserved one!
  5. If it sleets in Columbus >1 hour, I'll eat a tablespoon of it to consume my enemy.
  6. Models still be modeling. I like NOAA for the 2-4" amounts for Cbus. I know we've been talking about the front end thump all week long. 2-4" isn't a crush job, but I think the snowfall rate before the changeover or dry slot will please many of us.
  7. I think we're going to see similar storm stories over the next few weeks. I could see variations of this storm repeating quite a bit with the track shifting back and forth a state at a time each storm. Don't get too discouraged if you're not getting blasted, there is still hope.
  8. I lost you all in the wxdisco shuffle, I've been around for a long time between accuweather forums and over on Jeff Master's weather underground tropical tracking. A lot of us link to Levi's site (tropicaltidbits), he was just a kid back in the day. Then again, I'm counting on walking uphill in snow both ways tomorrow.
  9. Just saying, back in the day, if I saw this <24 hours out in CMH, I wouldn't be complaining.
  10. At least with an overnight snowfall and some already on the ground, it'll be instant accumulation. Should give us a nice white up prior to the mothership next week.
  11. What's your prediction for this storm? https://images.app.goo.gl/tYi7uvgQk78ssupFA
  12. Snowpack still on the ground and warm air with stubborn surface temps, seeing the red/orange flare up had to show up at some point.
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