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About tool483

  • Birthday 04/06/1983

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    Holyoke, Mass 01040

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  1. It's been here too, the plows were out plowing the asphalt but they were salting too. Half inch of sleet so far here. It's a mix now but when those bands come in. Temp is 34 atm here
  2. it's actually pretty slick out there, I almost fell down the front steps lol This changeover a little early, right? Sure it'll change back once radar lightens up but sheesh, most sleet I've seen all season. This is just the beginning with the storm just starting to emerge from the coast. 20240403_175941.mp4
  3. Interesting, drive home from work and its full on sleeting out there now. Maybe the heavy precip rates flipped it. Does almost look like some snow is mixing in with it. Call me surprised..
  4. Temp down to 36, we were at 40 earlier. Certainly feeling colder out there and the wind is starting to pick up. Good luck northerners, this one is looking like a big ol snow dump for you. I'm just wondering if we will be able to switch over here in the valley, I'm thinking it is going to try once that low gets cranking. Already down to 991.
  5. Just on the edge here, expecting to see a little snow but no stickage. Those to the north are looking at some big numbers. MJ, you look to be in a decent spot up there. Look forward to some pictures of our last NE storm of the season. jbrumberg, interested to see how you do being up in the hills here. Good luck! It's been so muddy down here, I could only imagine places north of me here. You can see the cold air pushing down
  6. That pick up sounds like it could be a little dicey, maybe they land before the snow starts up? Hopefully pickup goes smooth..I'm trying enjoy every last bit of this warmth Heard it's been a nice weekend up there
  7. Damn, looking like a good thump for some. Of course i'm out of town for this one but ok with watching from afar. Weather in Flordia right now is blowing in from the gulf, its toasty out here. Back to reality on Wed flying back, guessing there will be some cleanup to do. Sebastian, FL is very nice.. temps in the low 80's right now, my body doesn't know how to handle warmth in Feb like this lol Fun tracking this one from down here.
  8. Was snowing really heavy for a bit but it lightened up, amazed how much salt they put down on side roads..it's sloppy out there..like an inch or two so far
  9. Intesting looking map, They are still pretty gunshy about anything in the lower valleys. And thank you Strech for all the side by sides!
  10. Snowing at a pretty good clip here, I'm liking it. Thats great you at least getting some of the white. Salted roads starting to get snow covered
  11. Got a WWA surprisingly. They only had the hilly western county included this morning. It started as a bit of snow but now just very light rain. Once the precip gets going I think we'll switch back to snow.
  12. Looking prettty good north of I90 all of a sudden, Will take a few inches for sure... before the switch over to rain that is
  13. congrats to those south of here that are getting some white gold! Snow to the coast from the looks of it, nice hit for some of you! Not our storm here, just glad to see someone else cashing in
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