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About MainelySnow

  • Birthday March 20

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    Lebanon, ME

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  1. Interesting. We were looking at propane but I'll let hubby know about the solar. Is there a particular company that does the solar generators? And how much sticker shock? We are looking at about $12K for the propane generator
  2. I wonder if they've ever had a year where the snow didn't entirely disappear. If not, this could be the year, particularly if summer is below normal temp wise
  3. This is why I sold my house in Wells 10 years ago. Couldn't take the storms and the uncertainty any longer. You've got to have wicked deep pockets now to rebuild down there and I my pockets have holes. I wish the folks down there the best - they've just been hammered this winter. Worse than 1978.
  4. And they'll be wearing sneakers or flip-flops, have no chains and will be 2WD. My grandson is getting out of school early to watch - I really hope it is sunny so he isn't disappointed.
  5. I've been hiding under the bed hoping the models and Keith Carson are wrong. Last week was bad enough - I'd been back walking in the woods for a solid three weeks. Now back to the treadmill for a week - uugh. The whole house generator is our next priority - gotta get one before next winter - we've lost power 5 times this winter alone. All multi-day restorations.
  6. Since so many of you all are in the PA area, how about a clay shooting event at that place in Lehigh Valley? It's setup like a golf course with different "holes/targets". And the golf carts rigged out with gun racks is pretty cool.
  7. I'll jump into the fray here. To support Undertakerson - he can also shut off auto-correct. I have mine off, so all spelling errors are my own special creation and lack of proofreading. For a Pro, spell check should be an automatic, With that, I'm off to the kitchen to break in the new Belgian waffle maker the in-laws got us for Christmas. Malted Buttermilk Waffles anyone?
  8. Late to the dance, but we got about 8 inches of heart attack snow. Internet was down all day even though power was back on by 9 am. At least it looks wintry out now.
  9. I've been reading your postings since Accuweather....never for target practice
  10. I was still living in Wells on Moody Point during the Patriot's Day storm. Was asked, strongly, to evacuate. I didn't. Wished I had as I watched water come up to the house and go around. Garage was flooded, though basement stayed mostly dry except for damp spots. Who knew 12ft above sea level could make all the difference. But that was enough for me and sold. Gotta have very deep pockets now to pay the price for damage from a big ocean storm
  11. It's been a soggy 12 months. We went from a moderate drought in Maine to biblical rains. Would love to see some biblical snow though
  12. I know this storm isn't sexy in terms of snow, but the impact to coastal regions could be historic. In Portland they are talking about an all-time high tide record. Mind-boggling when you realize the number 1 high tide is the Blizzard of '78. There could be some catastrophic damage with this one.
  13. You and me both sista, though it's bourbon for me
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